cool picture. [Message 69]
is that some kind of tapir?
Scientists call it
Moertherium, an archaic pachyderm. It's in the family tree of today's elephants, though not thought to be a direct ancestor. The closest living relatives of the family are manatees, dugongs, and hyraxes.
But that's only what all the godless evolutionists tell us. What we still don't know is how our top creationist minds classify this creature.
Is it a 'kind' of elephant? If so, did Noah take these on the ark? Or does the vast difference in appearance between this animal and modern pachyderms represent a distinction in 'kind'? Is calling this (clearly non-elephantine!) animal a pachyderm just another ridiculous consequence of buying into all that macroevolutionist nonsense?
Should we classify
Moertherium as something else? 'Piggy,' perhaps?
Edited by Archer Opterix, : html.
Edited by Archer Opterix, : typo repair.
Edited by Archer Opterix, : ongoing evolution of the text.
All species are transitional.