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Author Topic:   How can Biologists believe in the ToE?
Member (Idle past 2792 days)
Posts: 3119
From: U.K.
Joined: 01-24-2007

Message 171 of 304 (422994)
09-19-2007 6:01 AM
Reply to: Message 170 by IamJoseph
09-19-2007 4:32 AM

Re: THE GREATNESS OF ... being on topic?
IamJoseph writes:
So correct me - ToE appears not just a process exclusive to life forms only
When Nator asks in her O.P. title:
How can Biologists believe in the ToE
she's referring to the biological ToE, not to any other ToEs that you might be preoccupied with.
She's assuming that we understand that, and that it's not necessary to use the word "biological" in her title.
So, you ask to be corrected, and I am correcting you. The biological ToE is a theory exclusively concerning life forms. It is not a "process", but a theory that explains a process.
Look up the word "biology" if you don't agree, and ask Nator if she didn't assume that everyone would understand that the ToE in her title meant biological ToE.
Everyone except you does seem to understand that.

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 Message 170 by IamJoseph, posted 09-19-2007 4:32 AM IamJoseph has replied

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 Message 172 by IamJoseph, posted 09-19-2007 6:51 AM bluegenes has not replied

Member (Idle past 2792 days)
Posts: 3119
From: U.K.
Joined: 01-24-2007

Message 175 of 304 (422999)
09-19-2007 7:23 AM
Reply to: Message 173 by AnswersInGenitals
09-19-2007 7:01 AM

Err... wrong person
I think you accidentally replied to the wrong post, AiG, unless RAZD has recently converted to Biblical creationism of some kind, which I somehow doubt.
No problem, and an easy mistake to make, but I'm just pointing it out as others reading the thread might be confused.
As for your post, very well put is all I can say.

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 Message 173 by AnswersInGenitals, posted 09-19-2007 7:01 AM AnswersInGenitals has replied

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 Message 181 by AnswersInGenitals, posted 09-19-2007 1:48 PM bluegenes has not replied

Member (Idle past 2792 days)
Posts: 3119
From: U.K.
Joined: 01-24-2007

Message 192 of 304 (425684)
10-03-2007 6:48 PM
Reply to: Message 189 by CTD
10-03-2007 4:04 AM

CTD writes:
Simple: The same way non-Norse European navigators could believe one would could drop off the western edge of the Atlantic. It's what they were taught.
That would be a perfect answer to questions like:
How can Christians believe the Bible is the word of God?
How can Muslims believe that the Koran is the word of God?
How can Hindus believe that they get reincarnated?
How can so many Americans believe that Jewish mythology is literally true?

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 Message 189 by CTD, posted 10-03-2007 4:04 AM CTD has not replied

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 Message 217 by IamJoseph, posted 10-07-2007 5:30 AM bluegenes has not replied

Member (Idle past 2792 days)
Posts: 3119
From: U.K.
Joined: 01-24-2007

Message 256 of 304 (427251)
10-10-2007 4:31 PM
Reply to: Message 255 by bernerbits
10-10-2007 4:07 PM

Re: Topic!!
Hi, bernerbits, and welcome to EvC
In the post from RAZD just above (No. 252) there's a link to a thread about speech.
It'll be interesting to have someone who's studied linguistics around, as it's one of the many disciplines that young earth creationism cuts directly across.
Not your fault for being off topic. IamJoseph had dragged the thread onto his favourite subject. He wants to believe that speech was gifted to us by God around the time that written language first appeared.

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 Message 255 by bernerbits, posted 10-10-2007 4:07 PM bernerbits has not replied

Member (Idle past 2792 days)
Posts: 3119
From: U.K.
Joined: 01-24-2007

Message 270 of 304 (440231)
12-12-2007 7:28 AM
Reply to: Message 269 by LucyTheApe
12-12-2007 6:02 AM

Re: Integrity
LucyTheNebraskanApe writes:
Where's the integrity in filing down a pigs tooth to make it look
half human to support a floundering theory.
Could you give us an estimate on what percentage of evolutionary biologists you think have done that? (for example, mine would be <0.001%, and probably none).
I should guess that the percentage of Christian priests/ministers who've fucked a choirboy is probably higher, but that doesn't mean it's typical behaviour.

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 Message 269 by LucyTheApe, posted 12-12-2007 6:02 AM LucyTheApe has not replied

Member (Idle past 2792 days)
Posts: 3119
From: U.K.
Joined: 01-24-2007

Message 284 of 304 (440310)
12-12-2007 2:26 PM
Reply to: Message 279 by LucyTheApe
12-12-2007 11:16 AM

Re: Integrity
LucyTheApe writes:
In the US there are at least 2000 Christian Religions, and growing weekly. They all claim to have a handle on the truth. At least 1999 of them must be wrong (on the condition that no two have the same tenet).
Very logical.
What I'm worried about is that the kids are being brainwashed by supposed truths before the facts are laid on the table.
But you seem to be criticizing biology, not the 2,000 brainwashing sects.
Scientists are expected to present evidence for what they teach to children as (always tentative) "truths".
The overwhelming majority of the world's children are being indoctrinated with one religion or another from a very early age (before they know what the word "biology" means) and history shows that only a minority of each generation will manage to de-program themselves.
That's brainwashing.

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 Message 279 by LucyTheApe, posted 12-12-2007 11:16 AM LucyTheApe has not replied

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 Message 285 by dwise1, posted 12-12-2007 2:57 PM bluegenes has replied

Member (Idle past 2792 days)
Posts: 3119
From: U.K.
Joined: 01-24-2007

Message 286 of 304 (440325)
12-12-2007 4:30 PM
Reply to: Message 285 by dwise1
12-12-2007 2:57 PM

Re: Integrity
dwise1 writes:
What Lucy was complaining about was that the press reports their version of a scientist's new findings before any peer review has taken place.
I was commenting on Lucy's brainwashing comment. I don't think Lucy is really too interested in complaining about the media's (often misleading) treatment of science, or even things being picked up by the media before peer review, or bad textbooks, or about systematic brainwashing (creationism wouldn't exist without it). All things well worth complaining about.
You've been around creation/evolution debates for a long time, I gather, so what do your instincts suggest to you when you read Lucy's comments on this site so far?
Lucy (an australopithicus) is, remember, quite sure that she's an ape in the generally used sense of the word, not a transitional upright walker, and shows an interest in "Nebraska man" that you may just have seen somewhere before.

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 Message 285 by dwise1, posted 12-12-2007 2:57 PM dwise1 has replied

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 Message 287 by dwise1, posted 12-12-2007 8:43 PM bluegenes has not replied

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