Do you really believe that an animal of this size could go unnoticed for this long?
actually, i do. sort of. the lower end of sauropod size, especially considering the pygmies produced by
geographical separation, is about the size of automobile. what's the largest animal to go unnoticed in the heart of africa? so far, the mountain gorilla. it's not a HUGE stretch to pygmy sauropods and exaggerated reports.
i really, really, really want to believe in mkele mbembe, as you can probably tell. do i think it exists? no. but
wouldn't it be freakin' cool?
i say it doesn't exist because the reports are all bad. all of them. for starters,
sauropods don't live in jungles. it's just a bad idea, they'd get stuck between the trees. sauropods are like elephants, only twenty or thirty times the size. they're designed for big open plains and sparse trees. they evolved to reach the tops of gigantic conifers, and their teeth are built for stripping pine needles. they evolved that way out of necessity, in a dry jurassic period. that's not jungle material.
the idea of it being associated with a lake -- commonly seen in it -- is also a bad sign. why? well, years ago we thought sauropods were too heavy to stand on their own, and would have lived in water. we're talking another case of natives describing or depicting out-dated children's coloring books, not a real animal. the least we could do is show these people jurassic park or something.
Think critically about this for a minute and estimate the tonnage of food that such animal would require each day
actually, that'd be the one thing the congo wouldn't lack, is lots of vegetation. now, the
dung situation might attract more attention.
It is obviously a picture of a plastic kids toy dino taken with a backdrop of weeds.
Why would they do that?
amusement at the expense of others.
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