CTD writes:
But there's good news: Roughly half the kids graduating high school ("U.S.") are rejecting evolutionism to one extent or another. The per centage was much worse not too many years ago. It's shifting rapidly. Considering the longstanding monopoly, and increasing requirements that the religion must be taught as if it were an established fact, this is really something!
First, I would like to see what evidence you have for this statement.
Second, since half of all adults in the US do not accept the findings of modern biology or geology, how could such a trend be discerned?
In my personal, and admittedly anecdotal experience, both as a community college employee and the father of a 15-year-old, I see the opposite. Since it is clear to all except the most fanatical of the generation that is currently of teen age that virtually all so-called authorities in power, be they political or religious, are corrupt hypocrites and liars, I see a much greater support for the findings of science and much less for fundamentalist religion than I did 10 years ago.
Remember, I am speaking from 'Bush country' 40 miles from where Bush grew up. His discredited and failed administration has done much to disgrace the conservative religious movement that is still in nominal control of the Republican Party.
I found my last road trip to Austin quite interesting as all the wealthy ranchers along the way seem to have replaced their Bush/Cheney billboards for those in support of Ron Paul, a definite fiscal conservative that has no use for the political manipulation of religious fanatics.
So how can biologists believe in the ToE? Ask someone in the US between 10 and 20, you may find the answer defies 'conventional wisdom.'
Read not to contradict and confute, not to believe and take for granted, not to find talk and discourse, but to weigh and consider - Francis Bacon
The more we understand particular things, the more we understand God - Spinoza