Hi Lucy,
I have to take objection to this I'm afraid;
LucyTheApe writes:
Where's the integrity in filing down a pigs tooth to make it look half human to support a floundering theory.
Is that what you imagine the average scientist does with their day? You say that as though deliberately creating fakes is standard practise.
I assume that you are referencing the "Piltdown Man" hoax (if not, please put me right).
There is no proof that Piltdown man was created by a scientist. It was almost certainly the work of "discoverer" Charles Dawson, who was an amateur, not a professional scientist.
Also, your contention that the hoax was intended "to support a floundering theory" is baseless. A more likely motive is that Dawson sought personal aggrandisement. He also traded in fakes, swapping them for genuine items. Plenty of motive there.
The way creationists bring up Piltdown is rather sad. The actions of one dishonest man no more disgrace the whole of science than the scandals around Ted Haggard disgrace the whole of religion. Constantly reviving the spectre of Piltdown is pathetic, and does nothing to advance your argument.
The overwhelming majority of scientists are honest. If this is not n the case, please feel free to show me the mountains of faked evidences that surely must abound.
Questioning the integrity of hundreds of thousands of professional men and women around the globe is insulting and intellectually dishonest. It certainly does not reflect well upon your own integrity. Do yourself a favour and withdraw your comment, which is essentially a libel upon every scientist alive.
Mutate and Survive