I think I see a pattern. 10 or 15 years back (I forget) a major campaign was launched to get evolutionism into lower grades. Books were re-written to stuff it in at every opportunity, and teachers were given special training. But it's backfired spectacularly. Young kids are much smarter than the evolutionists thought. And they have a lot of free time, a luxury not often found in the adult world. The earlier they encounter the idea, the longer they have to question it. And it's banished by scrutiny.
Could you explain
why largely only the US and some middle eastern states have this phenomena?
Outside of those places, such as Europe or Asia, evolution is accepted as fact that those who proclaim various origin stories are basically mocked by the general public. As Europe and Asia lead the world in test scores from the youth, it would seem that
only places where the youth are poorly educated, such as the US and Middle East is where creationism can actually take root.
You see some of the most ardent youth supporters of Creationism in the US south which has the worst education systems in the union and in the Middle East were education is largely just religious memorization. Literal Genesis is heavily believed in the youth of Pakistan who receive little more then religious indoctrination.
Could you care to explain this galaxy sized problem away?