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Author Topic:   The Meaning Of The Trinity
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Message 558 of 1864 (899164)
10-09-2022 4:04 PM
Reply to: Message 557 by ringo
10-09-2022 3:24 PM

Re: Topic Synopsis
Ringo, Sunday is simply referred to as the "first day of
the week."
Even decades after the death of Christ it was still
referred to as the "first day of the week."
The Catholic Encyclopedia states that Sunday worship
was initiated by the sole authority of the RCC. They state
correctly that the NT does not support Sunday worship.
The CE states as fact that all these other churches
followed the example of the RCC. This they assert is
clear proof of the RCC God given right to Trump clear
Biblical teachings.
Both Rome and the RCC have sentenced many to death
for not working on the Seventh Day Sabbath and resting
on Sunday.
Sunday worship is a mark of the Holy Roman Empire.
Both of these beasts are discussed in Revelations 13.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 557 by ringo, posted 10-09-2022 3:24 PM ringo has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 559 by Dredge, posted 10-09-2022 5:12 PM candle2 has replied
 Message 562 by dwise1, posted 10-09-2022 7:27 PM candle2 has replied
 Message 563 by ringo, posted 10-10-2022 12:03 PM candle2 has replied
 Message 565 by Dredge, posted 10-10-2022 8:53 PM candle2 has not replied

Member (Idle past 167 days)
Posts: 892
Joined: 12-31-2018

Message 567 of 1864 (899267)
10-11-2022 11:40 AM
Reply to: Message 566 by Phat
10-11-2022 10:25 AM

Re: Topic Synopsis
Phat, point out to me in the Bible where Jesus said that
any day is the Sabbath.
Point it out to me where any of the Apostles said that
any day can be the Sabbath.
The Bible is very specific about which day is the
Jesus said that to break the least of His commandments,
or to teach others to do so, is the same as breaking
them all.
To disobey a direct command from God is not a good
I spent nine years in an orphanage. During this nine
years we attended a Church of Christ three times a
a week.
I believed that Sunday had replaced the Seventh Day
Sabbath with all my heart.
It is extremely difficult to challenge ourselves as to why
we believe what we do.
As for being legal, what is wrong with that?
Do you want the deeds to your house and car to be
You seem to think that those keeping the Saturday
Sabbath are trying to earn salvation, rather than trying
to obey God.
Do you think that those who don't steal or murder are
trying to be legalistic?
How about those who honor their parents. Are they
trying to be legalistic?
Don't you think that it sounds cheap and tacky to single
out one Commandment and say that those who obey it
are somehow inferior to those who obey the other

This message is a reply to:
 Message 566 by Phat, posted 10-11-2022 10:25 AM Phat has seen this message but not replied

Member (Idle past 167 days)
Posts: 892
Joined: 12-31-2018

Message 568 of 1864 (899268)
10-11-2022 11:46 AM
Reply to: Message 563 by ringo
10-10-2022 12:03 PM

Re: Topic Synopsis
Ringo, the Jews have kept meticulous records.
The Jews have records that show which day Christ

This message is a reply to:
 Message 563 by ringo, posted 10-10-2022 12:03 PM ringo has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 569 by ringo, posted 10-11-2022 12:20 PM candle2 has not replied
 Message 571 by Theodoric, posted 10-11-2022 12:31 PM candle2 has replied

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Message 573 of 1864 (899290)
10-11-2022 1:58 PM
Reply to: Message 562 by dwise1
10-09-2022 7:27 PM

Re: Topic Synopsis
Dwise 1, the Bible is, in one sense, a Book about God and the
nation of Isreal. And, those nations that come into contact with
The 10 tribe nation of Israel were settled into Northern and
Western Europe before Rome ever became a major power.
When the Bible talks about a beast it refers to a king or
kingdom. And the type of beast describes the characteristics
of the king/kingdom.
These beasts had profound effects on the nations of Israel
and Judah.
In 321 A.D., Constantine issued a civil decree making Sunday
a day of rest from labor. All judges and civil people were told
acknowledge both the sun and the venerable day of the sun.
There was no wiggle room for disobeying the Emperor.
Sunday was a mark of Rome, the beast.
In 363-364 A.D., the Council of Laodicea issued a decree
(Canon 29) stating:
"Christians must not Judaize by resting on the Sabbath, but
must work on that day, rather honoring the Lord's Day; and,
if they can, resting then as Christians."
"But if any shall be found to be judaizers, let them be
anathema (excommunicated) from Christ."
The mark of the second beast in Revelation 13 is also
The main reason popes held power over the emperors
were that the church held the power to excommunicate
an entire nation if the Emperor or kings went against
them. The people would go against the secular powers
if they believed they would be shut off from God.
This second (or image of the first beast) beast (pope)
boldly states that "We hold upon this earth the place of
God Almighty.
Is this not extreme blasphemy?
Daniel speaks of this same second beast in 7:25:
"And He shall speak great words against the most High,
and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and
think to change times and laws...."

This message is a reply to:
 Message 562 by dwise1, posted 10-09-2022 7:27 PM dwise1 has not replied

Member (Idle past 167 days)
Posts: 892
Joined: 12-31-2018

Message 574 of 1864 (899294)
10-11-2022 2:53 PM
Reply to: Message 562 by dwise1
10-09-2022 7:27 PM

Re: Topic Synopsis
Dwise 1, Revelation 13:3 "And I saw one of his (beast)
head as it was wounded to death; and his deadly wound
was healed; and all the world wondered after the beast."
The Roman Empire lasted from 31 B.C. till 476 A.D.
Rome was conquered by three Germanic (assyrian)
Vandals; Heruli; and, Ostrogoths.
However it was not Charlemage who returned Rome to
glory; it was Justinian 1, in 554 A.D.
This was the first head of the seven headed beast with
ten horns.
Every head of this beast refers to the Holy Roman
Empire, or union of church and state.
Charlemagne was the second head of this beast, or
revival of the system.
Granted that he was more resourceful than Justinian 1,
but Justinian was the first head of the union between
church and state.
The sixth head was Hitler. The Vatican assisted with
The escape of many Nazis to Argentina.
The Nazis realized that they would lose WW2 in 1943.
The Bible says they went I to the bottomless pit, which
simply means they went underground.
They have been planning all these years for the next war.
The seventh head, or seventh revival, of the Holy Roman
Empire will unite the RCC and 10 nations.
This seventh head is the same as the feet and ten toes
of the image in Daniel 2.
Read verse 44 where Christ destroys this universal church
and 10 kings.
He will at that time set His Kingdom up. And, this time he
will rule over it.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 562 by dwise1, posted 10-09-2022 7:27 PM dwise1 has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 575 by dwise1, posted 10-11-2022 4:05 PM candle2 has not replied
 Message 576 by dwise1, posted 10-11-2022 5:53 PM candle2 has replied

Member (Idle past 167 days)
Posts: 892
Joined: 12-31-2018

Message 582 of 1864 (899349)
10-12-2022 1:40 PM
Reply to: Message 559 by Dredge
10-09-2022 5:12 PM

Re: Topic Synopsis
Dredge, you ask where does the RCC state that the Bible
does not support Sunday worship.
Cardinal Gibbons, in Faith of Our Father's, 92nd ed., p.89
freely admits:
"You may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and
you will not find a single line authorizing the sanctification
of Sunday."
"The scriptures enforce the religious observance of
Saturday, a day which we (the Catholic Church) never
"The Catholic Church... by virtue of her Devine mission,
changed the day from Saturday to Sunday."
When asked whether the Church could prove they had
power to make changes--this reply.
"Had she not the power she could not have done that in
which all modern religion is agree with her-she could not
have substituted the observance of Sunday, the first day
of the week, for the observance of Saturday, the seventh
day, a change for which there is no scriptural authority.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 559 by Dredge, posted 10-09-2022 5:12 PM Dredge has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 583 by Tanypteryx, posted 10-12-2022 1:49 PM candle2 has not replied
 Message 732 by Dredge, posted 10-27-2022 7:42 AM candle2 has not replied

Member (Idle past 167 days)
Posts: 892
Joined: 12-31-2018

Message 584 of 1864 (899357)
10-12-2022 3:29 PM
Reply to: Message 576 by dwise1
10-11-2022 5:53 PM

Re: Topic Synopsis
Dwise 1, a zygote, barely two days old, would know
that Revelation was written before the Holy Roman
Empire came on the scene.
Jesus, through the Apostle John, was revealing
future events, events that would affect both
Israel and Judah.
Anyone can write about events that have already
occurred. It requires revelations to accurately write
about future events.
The Books of Daniel and Revelation support each
other. Both Books tell of past and future events.
Some of Daniel's visions of the future were so
terrifying that he would feel ill for several days
after experiencing them.
Daniel asked God for the meanings of the end-time
events that He had visions of. Daniel 12:8.
God's reply in verse 9: "Go thy way Daniel; for the
words are closed up and sealed till the time of
the end."
In other words, these were future events, and they
would be understood by His Church at that time.
This is little bit off the subject, but you brought it up.
You have done nothing to disprove that Radiocarbon
Dating is flawed.
Nor have you posted anything that cast doubt on
In fact, you have increased my belief in God and

This message is a reply to:
 Message 576 by dwise1, posted 10-11-2022 5:53 PM dwise1 has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 586 by dwise1, posted 10-12-2022 4:56 PM candle2 has not replied
 Message 587 by Tanypteryx, posted 10-12-2022 5:07 PM candle2 has replied
 Message 588 by AZPaul3, posted 10-12-2022 8:02 PM candle2 has not replied

Member (Idle past 167 days)
Posts: 892
Joined: 12-31-2018

Message 589 of 1864 (899411)
10-13-2022 11:02 AM
Reply to: Message 571 by Theodoric
10-11-2022 12:31 PM

Re: Jewish chronicles and the big JC
Theodoric, there are multiple dozens of countries that
have names for the seventh day that are associated with
the Sabbath.
Here are just a few:
There is such connection to Sunday.
Some say that the identity of the original Seventh Day
was lost, but there is no proof of this. In any case, I
don't buy that for a second.
For the sake of argument, let's assume that the days
had become confused.
The 40 years (2180 Sabbaths) that God had Israel in
the wilderness would have straightened that out.
The 7th Day for ancient Rome was called Saturn's Day.
This was the same as Saturday for the Jews.
Cassius Dio - Roman History 37. 16. 1-4 States that the
Jews would do no work on Saturn day. I/ was their
Sabbath Day.
Rome would use these Saturn Days to batter down the
walls protecting the Jews.
In 70 A.D., Vespasian employed the same technique
of attacking Judea on Saturn Day.
The Apostles were certain of the Sabbath Day. And, they
recorded in their Biblical books.
The modern Greek word for the 7th Day is Sabbato.
The Julian Calendar was in use from 46 B.C. till A.D.
On Thursday, October 4, 1582 the switch was made to the
Gregory's Calendar (Thursday was the 5th day of the week).
The Gregorian Calendar jumped from Thursday the 4th
to Friday the 15th. As always the day following Thursday
was Friday.
The Jews list their days by names, not numbers. This
prevents any confusion.
God gave Israel His Calendar. His days would begin in
the evening, at the going down of the sun.
His Sabbath began at the going down of the sun on
Friday till the going down of the sun on Saturday. At this
time the 1st day of the week (Sunday) began.
The Julian and Gregorian calendars, named respectively
for a Roman Emperor and a Catholic Pope, had days that
began/begins at midnight.
The beast and image of the beast (who think to change
times and laws) moved the 7th Day Sabbath to the 1st
Many saints were put to death for not accepting the
identifying mark of the beast. This will happen again.
When the Holy Roman Empire again comes into world-
wide power, they will force their own times and laws on
The world will actually worship the beast and its image.
Anyone not observing Sunday and working on the true
Sabbath will be turned in to the authorities.
God said that the Sabbath was a sign between Him and
Israel forever. It is perpetual.
The Jews have kept the sign that identifies them as such.
The other tribes if Israel have deserted the very sign that
identifies them as Israel.
However, their identities have been uncovered.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 571 by Theodoric, posted 10-11-2022 12:31 PM Theodoric has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 591 by Theodoric, posted 10-13-2022 11:57 AM candle2 has replied
 Message 596 by dwise1, posted 10-13-2022 1:38 PM candle2 has replied

Member (Idle past 167 days)
Posts: 892
Joined: 12-31-2018

Message 590 of 1864 (899412)
10-13-2022 11:42 AM
Reply to: Message 587 by Tanypteryx
10-12-2022 5:07 PM

Re: Topic Synopsis
Tanyptery, we all know the limits and inaccuracies of
Basic assumptions used in dating methods are
are just that, assumptions. Wrong assumptions lead to
unreliable data.
Don't pretend that you don't know about the unreliability
of dating methods.
I know, beyond any doubt, that you and all evolutionists
have these huge doubts.
If a dating technique is found to be wrong just once, none
of the results can be trusted.
You know this, and I know this. And, you know that I
know this.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 587 by Tanypteryx, posted 10-12-2022 5:07 PM Tanypteryx has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 592 by Theodoric, posted 10-13-2022 11:58 AM candle2 has not replied
 Message 593 by PaulK, posted 10-13-2022 12:00 PM candle2 has not replied
 Message 594 by Tanypteryx, posted 10-13-2022 12:13 PM candle2 has not replied
 Message 595 by ringo, posted 10-13-2022 12:49 PM candle2 has not replied
 Message 597 by dwise1, posted 10-13-2022 2:25 PM candle2 has not replied
 Message 598 by AZPaul3, posted 10-13-2022 5:03 PM candle2 has not replied

Member (Idle past 167 days)
Posts: 892
Joined: 12-31-2018

Message 599 of 1864 (899439)
10-13-2022 5:36 PM
Reply to: Message 591 by Theodoric
10-13-2022 11:57 AM

Re: Jewish chronicles and the big JC
Theodoric, sure it does.
Peter, John, Paul, James, Mark, Matthew, and the
other writers of the New Testament were all Jews.
I proved to you that Saturday is the Sabbath. You just
don't like being presented with the facts.
Funny, evolutionists are like that.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 591 by Theodoric, posted 10-13-2022 11:57 AM Theodoric has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 600 by Theodoric, posted 10-13-2022 5:53 PM candle2 has not replied

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Posts: 892
Joined: 12-31-2018

Message 603 of 1864 (899467)
10-14-2022 12:55 PM
Reply to: Message 596 by dwise1
10-13-2022 1:38 PM

Re: Jewish chronicles and the big JC
Dwise 1, the Holy Roman Empire rises and falls. There
is to come one more resurrection of the HRE.
After the death of Justinian, the HRE waned in power.
It remained that way until Charlemagne came on the
After the death of Charlemagne the HRE once again
experienced the loss of much of its secular and
religious power and influence.
It stayed this way until Otto the Great came along.
Otto was the third head (revival) of the same old
secular/religious system.
The countries of Germany, Spain, Italy, France, Austria,
and several other countries of Western Europe are
generally included in the realm of the HRE. But, all of
them need not be part of the power structure in each
and every head (revival).
When most people think if the HRE they think of Rome.
However, the main force behind the HRE has shifted to
Starting with Charlemagne, Germany has been the
secular ruler in four of the six heads.
Germany was the main instigators in the Franco-
Prussian War; WW1; and, WW2.
The beast and false prophet in Revelation 13 will be
a secular German Ruler and the Pope.
Germany and the nine other European countries united
with them will yield such enormous military and economic
might that much of the world will follow their dictates.
The Vatican is both a ecclesiastical entity, and a nation
that sends and receives ambassadors.
No other secular and ecclesiastical combination in
recorded history, except the HRE, comes close to fitting
The Biblical description of the beast and image of
the beast.
Sorry, I meant to say that there is no such connection
to Sunday.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 596 by dwise1, posted 10-13-2022 1:38 PM dwise1 has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 604 by dwise1, posted 10-14-2022 1:06 PM candle2 has replied
 Message 605 by ringo, posted 10-14-2022 1:17 PM candle2 has not replied

Member (Idle past 167 days)
Posts: 892
Joined: 12-31-2018

Message 612 of 1864 (899499)
10-15-2022 11:59 AM
Reply to: Message 604 by dwise1
10-14-2022 1:06 PM

Re: Jewish chronicles and the big JC
Dwise 1, in Daniel 2, King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream
about a great image.
Verse 32 "The image's head was of fine gold, his breast
and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass.
33. His legs of iron, and feet part of iron and part of clay.
In verse 34, Daniel saw a great stone smite the image
upon his feet made of iron and clay, and broke them to
In verse 38, Daniel tell King Nebuchadnezzar that he and
his Kingdom was the head of gold. His Kingdom was
The next Kingdom, represented by the breast and silver
was then followed by the third Kingdom represented by
the belly and thight of brass.
The second Kingdom turned out to be the Medes-persian
The third was the Greek Empire.
Verse 40: "And the fourth Kingdom shall be strong as
iron: formasmuch as iron breakest in pieces and
subdues all things: and as iron that breaks all these,
shall it break in pieces and bruise."
Verse 41: "And whereas thou saw the feet and toes,
part of potters' clay, and part of iron, the kingdom
shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength
of the iron, formasmuch as thou saw the iron mixed
with Mary clay."
Verse 42: "And as the toes of the feet were part of iron,
and part of clay, so the Kingdom shall be partly strong,
and partly broken."
Verse 44: "And in the days of these kings (10) shall the
God of heaven set up a Kingdom, which shall never be
And the Kingdom shall not be left to other people, but
it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms,
and it shall stand forever."
This fourth beast is the same as the fourth beast in
Daniel 7:19-20.
The ten toes of the image in chapter two are the same
as the ten horns (kings) on the 7th head of the beast in
Revelation 13.
It is clearly understood that the fourth beast in
Revelation 2 is that of the Roman Empire.
The clay mingled with the iron on the feet and toes of
this beast is the RCC. It is the glue that holds the union
Verse 44 in Daniel 2 tells us that this beast is extant
when Christ returns and destroys it.
The only way this fourth beast could still have such
enormous power and authority when Christ returns is
If there is a revival of the HRE.
The sixth and seventh heads of the beast are revived
after you claim that the HRE died for good.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 604 by dwise1, posted 10-14-2022 1:06 PM dwise1 has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 615 by ringo, posted 10-15-2022 12:23 PM candle2 has not replied
 Message 616 by AZPaul3, posted 10-15-2022 12:26 PM candle2 has replied
 Message 617 by dwise1, posted 10-15-2022 12:34 PM candle2 has replied
 Message 626 by PaulK, posted 10-15-2022 5:24 PM candle2 has not replied

Member (Idle past 167 days)
Posts: 892
Joined: 12-31-2018

Message 618 of 1864 (899512)
10-15-2022 3:11 PM
Reply to: Message 616 by AZPaul3
10-15-2022 12:26 PM

Re: Jewish chronicles and the big JC
AZPaul3, read your post and then tell me who needs
the help.
Learn to control your rage.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 616 by AZPaul3, posted 10-15-2022 12:26 PM AZPaul3 has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 622 by AZPaul3, posted 10-15-2022 4:07 PM candle2 has not replied

Member (Idle past 167 days)
Posts: 892
Joined: 12-31-2018

Message 619 of 1864 (899513)
10-15-2022 3:28 PM
Reply to: Message 617 by dwise1
10-15-2022 12:34 PM

Re: Jewish chronicles and the big JC
Dwise 1, this isn't a thread about evolution, nor is it a
thread about ridiculous dating techniques.
Stop pretending that evolutionists have crystal balls
that can tell us exactly what happened and when it
However, I will state my objections to carbon-dating
methods as soon as my wife and I return from our
Study assumptions.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 617 by dwise1, posted 10-15-2022 12:34 PM dwise1 has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 620 by dwise1, posted 10-15-2022 3:41 PM candle2 has not replied
 Message 625 by AZPaul3, posted 10-15-2022 4:59 PM candle2 has not replied
 Message 646 by dwise1, posted 10-16-2022 12:38 PM candle2 has replied

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Joined: 12-31-2018

Message 655 of 1864 (899690)
10-17-2022 3:44 PM
Reply to: Message 646 by dwise1
10-16-2022 12:38 PM

Re: Jewish chronicles and the big JC
Dwise 1, one of the grandkids got sick, and granny had to
to come back home.
So here is what I mean by assumptions. Assuming
something to be true is not good science. In fact it is
not science at all.
Scientists who believe in evolution are among the most
assuming scientists in the world.
When dating dead organisms utilizing the Carbon-14
dating method two facts need to be established.
One is the decay rate of C-14.
The other is the starting amount.
There is no way to determine if the ratio of C-14 to C-12
in the atmosphere has always been the same as it is
If one assumes that the ratio is true, and the assumption
is true, the dating method is valid up to perhaps 75,000
If the assumption is not true the method will give
incorrect dates.
Since we have no way of knowing the ratio of C14 to C-12
5000 years ago, we do not have the empirical or
observational science necessary for interpretations of
past events.
When we lack observational knowledge/science, we are
left with historical science. Historical science can be
highly subjective. Evolutionists rely heavily on historical
science, which involves assumptions.
The founder of the Carbon-14 dating method, Dr. Willard
Libby, assumed (ain't this what evolutionists do) the rate
to be constant based on evolution.
Then he noted that the atmosphere did not appear to be
in equilibrium.
By this I mean that the amount of Carbon atoms in the
atmosphere must equal the amount being removed.
The Specific Production Rate of C14 per gram is
currently twice that of Specific Decay Rate.
Dr. Libby ignored the nonequilibrium state.
By Dr. Libby's own estimation it would be 30,000 years
to reach equilibrium.
I am not even taking into account the effects of the
worldwide flood, or earth's changing magnetic field.
Nor am I taking into account contamination, or any of
the other issues involved with dating techniques.
Evolutionists thrive on assumptions, especially false
ones. But, even when wrong no one calls them on it.
Evolutionists are the ones who get the grants, and the
ones who run our universities.
They can and do distort facts to fit their agenda. I know
this as fact. And nobody is going to change my mind.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 646 by dwise1, posted 10-16-2022 12:38 PM dwise1 has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 656 by PaulK, posted 10-17-2022 4:05 PM candle2 has not replied
 Message 657 by Tanypteryx, posted 10-17-2022 7:03 PM candle2 has not replied
 Message 658 by Pollux, posted 10-18-2022 4:17 AM candle2 has not replied
 Message 660 by dwise1, posted 10-18-2022 6:22 PM candle2 has not replied
 Message 661 by Pollux, posted 10-18-2022 9:43 PM candle2 has replied
 Message 662 by Tanypteryx, posted 10-18-2022 10:50 PM candle2 has not replied

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