The fundys are absolutely scary. Mention the word God or Jesus in any sentence and their brains just go off. I have experienced this phenomenon over the years. Always some off the wall explanation that makes everything fit. Clearly in Genesis, God tells Noah to take on board 2 or either 7 of each creature. (I guess that was an option for Noah)
Then, trying to justify the 5,000 year old earth idea, the fundys say that the dinosaurs were contemporaries with Noah and simply drown in the flood. Did God tell Noah, "Yo, Noah, take 2 (or 7) of everything except the dinosaurs?" God said take ALL. So Noah not only took millions of species of everything else, he must have taken 2 (or 7) each of the big boys, too.
Think about that for a pregnant moment. "Japheth, watch your little sister near that pissed off Tyrannosaurus. By the way, where's all the cows and pigs? I see a hoof under that Velociraptor."
Just how brain dead can we be to even consider this stuff being accurate?