Oh yeah, JohnF, there is a serious doubt in my mind that breath was the criterion. But just in case I'm wrong, please show me the verse, translation, and source from which you gathered that information. I'm always ready to accept new Truths.
King James. Genesis 6:17, Genesis 7:15, Genesis 7:22. These verses are often interpreted by YECs to mean that only terrestrial creatures who breathed using lungs were to be taken on the ark; that is, fish and insects and a few other things didn't go. It's a way of reducing the space required on the ark in a vain attempt to make the story more plausible. For example,
After devastation ... the recovery:
In the Flood, everything on dry land that had the breath of life in its nostrils died; the only ones to survive were those with Noah in the Ark (Genesis 7:21—23) ...
2. Many species plants, microbes, insects, amphibians and aquatic creatures survived within the blast zone, if not in adult form, then as seeds, spores, eggs and/or larvae.
It is noteworthy that God brought only birds and air-breathing land animals to the Ark. ...