Bold Emphasis Mine
Hello Dead Parrot
There is a Hebrew word that always refers to the entire earth or the entire inhabited earth.
Is this guy trying to say that the Bible actually refers to planet earth? Let me assure y'all that the Bible NEVER uses the word 'earth' or 'world' to indicate a planet of any kind, much less
planet earth. The authors had no such concept, and the translators (Luther et. al.) did not subscribe to the idea of
planet earth. In fact they ridiculed it.
The above quote does afford some wiggle room for its author by virtue of the 'or' he inserts in the definition of
tebel. Even so, whether we read: "whole earth," "all the earth," or "entire earth," it is NEVER about 'planet' earth.
The idea that earth is a planet comes directly from the Heliocentric Theory of Copernicus; a man whom Martin Luther called, "that fool." Heliocentric Theory is a
Godless Theory which is, to quote the Roman Inquisition, "... contrary to holy scripture."
Dr. Robert Young (Young's Analytical Concordance) gives as the primitive meaning of
"Fruit bearing or habitable earth."
Dr. James Strong (Strong's Exhaustive Concordance) give as the primitive meaning:
"the earth (as moist and thererfore inhabited) ..." a derivative of 2986 "yabal ... to flow;"
Or, I say, a derivative of 2988 (same primitive spelling) - "
yabal ... a
stream;" In other words,
tebel literally means: Irrigated Land. Exactly what you'd expect of "habitable earth." This word (tebel)
cannot mean: 'entire earth,' in the sense that moderns understand that expression.
At 1 Chronicles 16:30 it is proclaimed that "the world (tebel) also shall be stable, that it be not moved." This is one of the verses cited at Galileo's trial to 'prove' that 'earth' does not rotate.
At Job 18:18, the wicked man is "chased out of the world (tebel)." Does this mean he is driven off the
Tebel cannot mean 'entire earth' in the sense we take that expression today.
BTW - In the KJV at least, Tebel is never translated 'earth.'
This message has been edited by doctrbill, 05-15-2005 08:57 AM
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