a small inconcistency in the noah's ark theory, well... a big one i guess you should say is that 2 individuals (say each animal on the ark) cannont generate populations representitive of today's. genitic replication tends to have issues with when related animals reproduce an extended amount of times (inbreeding in layman's terms). in nature, animals avoid (sometimes with hostility) sexual or territorial encounters with kin. not to mention if repeated inbreeding events took place, the resulting offspring would be less fit for survival. from studies, the entire genitic process works to enhance and increase varibility, while preserving a given set of genes, aka species propagation.
any one needing proof of this, take to rats, and breed them in sucessive generations without introducing any new rats to the population. see what happens.
this concept also pokes holes in the adam and eve story. 2 humans could not produce the genetic variation required to sustain humans today. most offspring would become too far inbred and die within a few generations.