Luke 17:26 "And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man."
This was said in a pre-scientific era. Jesus was making the common assumptions of his time.
It makes no sense to say that Jesus came to us as a man, and was tempted as a man, and yet to assume that he was omniscient as a man. If he was omniscient in his presence on earth, then he was not a man and could not have been tempted as a man. If he was not omniscient, then he would have made many of the pre-scientific assumptions that were common at that time.
For those of you Christians, If you believe in Christ's second coming as a literal event, those verses clearly tell us "as the days of Noah". Christ's second coming would never be compared to a prior event that was not literal.
On my reading the Bible is quite clear, that the second coming would occur within the lifetimes of the apostles. Yet, as best I can tell, it didn't happen.