I am a christian, but not a fundamentalist jihadist that is completely ignorant of the facts of the natural world and universe that god created. When I was a young man i was taught all the things in the bible and studied it well i also studied biology,chemistry and geology as a teenager! This Caused serious issues with me. when you teach a child incorrectly from the start you set them up for complete loss of faith in every thing when they see that real world data is completely different from the what they where taught as children.So to find out I then went to college and found that some of the things i was taught was untrue I lost faith and decided to go find out for my self. so for years I went to the western united states to see for myself and found great truthes written in the stones by god's hand himself and that is what geology studies, what is written is the stones, but the problem is that these young earthers are no differrent then the flat earthers they cling to a single straw of evidence while ignoring the entire bale. Science deals With Observations That leads to hypothosis, testing the hypothosis by taking measurements to prove your hypothesis with hard data and then propose a theory that fits the facts and showing this data to your peers for review. Now for a hundred or so years the geological column has been explored to a great extent and continues to be i myself have seen with my own eyes many things that discredit a global flood there is very strong evidence of a local flood event in sumaria, Noah's father Lamech was king of the Sumerian city-state Shuruppak, a commercial center on the Euphrates River in what is now Iraq.
http://www.flood-myth.com/index.html . there are also many books of the apocrypha that referenced the flood and the actual events that followed and that noah's family wasnt the only survivors. I believe that the inconsistent text of the early bible lead the church to remove these books of the apocrypha from the bible to give us the uniform book we have today.
OK so with that said we can start looking at evidence from some good sources woods hole is doing some good stuff to help the planet and us
http://www.whoi.edu/...pics/abruptclimate_joyce_keigwin.htmlalso south pole research is doing some good science as well.
what we find in the research is that multiple measurements taken in multiple location with multiple techniques shows that the data is harmonious and the odds of that happening are pretty slim to say the least.
I often wonder why i should care if people misslead there children
Problems with a Global Flood, 2nd edition
This message has been edited by pit40, 11-25-2005 11:04 AM
This message has been edited by pit40, 11-25-2005 06:30 PM