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Author | Topic: Choosing a faith | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Phat Member Posts: 18524 From: Denver,Colorado USA Joined: Member Rating: 1.7
Quit trying to lecture ICANT. Most Christians who read and follow the Bible largely agree on most of what is taught. You, in your arrogance, come at us from a cult and try and correct nearly everything we talk about. I have learned nothing from you and in fact, see where your cult has you by the brainstem. We need no more lectures from your arrogant yet false view of the scriptures.
I realize that you are unimpressed with me and frankly do not care. If I need to learn anything from the Bible I have many people who know it from an orthodox Christian standpoint and can read it myself. You are teaching nobody ANYTHING here. What you ARE doing is making the rest of the believers not in a cult look stupid as you attempt to look like a "teacher". Do us all a favor and go away.
AZPaul3 Member Posts: 8630 From: Phoenix Joined: Member Rating: 5.3
I have learned nothing from you and in fact, see where your cult has you by the brainstem. We need no more lectures from your arrogant yet false view of the scriptures. Now you know how I feel when any religionist speaks.Stop Tzar Vladimir the Condemned!
kjsimons Member Posts: 825 From: Orlando,FL Joined:
From my point of view as an atheist, you are all members of a cult but you all keep pointing fingers at other cultists and claim "I'm not in a cult, they are!". It would be humorous if it weren't so sad.
ICANT Member (Idle past 193 days) Posts: 6769 From: SSC Joined: |
Hi kjsimons,
kjsimons writes: From my point of view as an atheist, you are all members of a cult From my point of view, all atheist are a cult. God :Bless,"John 5:39 (KJS) Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."
kjsimons Member Posts: 825 From: Orlando,FL Joined:
You sir don’t appear to know the definition of the word “cult”. I suggest you look it up before you post again.
candle2 Member Posts: 892 Joined: |
ICANT, you wrote:
"It was impossible for the Israelites to keep the Law inthe Old Testament days and that was why they had to make blood sacrifices for their sins every year. Those blood sacrifices was a substitute for the sacrifice that was to come." ***I know why they kept the blood sacrifices. This hadnothing to do with the 10 Commandments, which were in force from the day that Adam and Eve were created. I have never performed, nor have I ever witnessed, a bloodsacrifice. The Old Covenant, with its blood sacrifices, was neverestablished for the purpose of winning converts to God. Why would anyone think that it was? It was impossible for those in the Old Testament times,with the exception of the few chosen by God, to keep God's Commandments. The simple reason is that they did not have access toGod's Holy Spirit. Christians today who cannot keep and obey God's 10Commandments do not have God's Holy Spirit. They have a spirit of weakness. The Holy Spirit is not a spirit of weakness. It is the verySpirit of God. And those whom He allows to partake of it become strong enough to do all that He demands of them. God does not make mistakes. He did not makeCommandments that He knew could not be kept. God has a specific goal in mind. His end results will beto have a divine family of sons and daughters. Where of us will be required to develop the same righteous character that was exhibited in Jesus. This Character can only be created through an interactiveprocess that takes place between each of us and God. It is an extremely personal process. In the New Covenant God will write His laws within ourhearts and minds. In the Old Covenant God did not give the Israelites aheart to perceive, eyes to see, nor ears to hear. In each of us, at God's own time and choosing, He willput His laws in our mind and write them on our heart. The better promise guaranteed by the NC is that everyonewill have access to God's Holy Spirit. Each of us will be taught by Him. But, at the time of His choosing. In this present age, no one can come to Christ except theFather draws him. He is only calling His elect. The elect are those who willrule with Him in His Kingdom. The rest are left blind to what is going on. However, I would advise one not to teach others totrample on God's Commandments.
candle2 Member Posts: 892 Joined: |
ICANT, you wrote:
"Colossians 2:14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinancesthat was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;" ***You assert that this verse does away with God's Laws.But God's laws that have been in force since creation is not mentioned here. Our trespasses are the problem that's addressed here, notthe laws. The "handwriting of ordinances" refers to an acknowledgmentof debt. It is a record of our sins. "Blotting out" (Exaleipho) means to wash, smear completely,wipe away or off, obliterate. "Vines' Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words." Scriptures always use exaleipho in reference to wipingaway sin, not law. Peter used this word in Acts 3:19 referring to sins beingblotted out. Acts 3:19 "Repent therefore and be converted, that yoursins may be blotted (exaleipho) out. The Hebrew equivalent to exaleipho is machah. Machahis rendered as blot out, or blotteth in Isaiah 43:25; Psalms 51:1-9; and, Exodus 32:31-33. In each of these cases it refers to Blotting out one's sins. The Colossian Christians did not fully understand theimplications of Jesus Christ's sacrifice. There is not even the slightest hint that the laws of Godwere being blotted out. You should know this.
candle2 Member Posts: 892 Joined: |
ICANT, you posted:
"It seems like there were a bunch of Phariseesgoing around telling the churches that they had to be circumcised and keep the laws of the jews in order to go to heaven and be in the kingdom of God just like the Pharisee candle2 is doing here at EvC." ***You are just gasping at straws now. I have never saidthat one is required to be circumcised. I was born at home in 1953. I am not circumcised. We are to keep the laws that God put in place for allhumanity at creation. It just strikes me as being really odd that someone whoprofesses to love God would criticize His 10 Commandments. The 10 Commandments describes our relationship withGod and each other. Who wants thieves living around them? Who wants aspouse who thinks it's okay to commit adultery? Who wants to go to a court of law and have their neighborbare false witness against them? Who wants to live in a neighborhood where murders arecommon occurrences? The 10 Commandments lead to peace and happinesswhen they are observed by everyone. They bring joy to a man and his family when they are observed. You should know this.
ICANT Member (Idle past 193 days) Posts: 6769 From: SSC Joined:
kjsimons writes:
You sir don’t appear to know the definition of the word “cult”. That is a possibility. But to me my definition is the only one that there is. To me a cult is a group of people who have a set of beliefs that they want to impose on other people. They start by brain washing there subjects then filling their heads with nonsense. No one is allowed to question their beliefs or authority. If some one does ask questions they are made fun of, belittled, mocked, told they are stupid, uneducated and you need to go to our school and learn what we teach you. God Bless,"John 5:39 (KJS) Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."
ICANT Member (Idle past 193 days) Posts: 6769 From: SSC Joined: |
C2 writes: ***You are just gasping at straws now. I have never saidthat one is required to be circumcised. You tell me I have to keep the law and circumcision is part of the law as well as blood sacrifices. Now any time you are willing to discuss what God says in His Word and allow His Word to be the final authority I will discuss it with you. But I am not going to waste my time arguing with what you believe. Until then have fun. God Bless,"John 5:39 (KJS) Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."
AZPaul3 Member Posts: 8630 From: Phoenix Joined: Member Rating: 5.3
They start by brain washing there subjects then filling their heads with nonsense. No one is allowed to question their beliefs or authority. If some one does ask questions they are made fun of, belittled, mocked, told they are stupid, uneducated and you need to go to our school and learn what we teach you. All you need do is add in extreme segregation, constant proselytizing and burning at the stake, and you have just defined a church. Very good, Reverend.Stop Tzar Vladimir the Condemned!
candle2 Member Posts: 892 Joined: |
ICANT, you wrote:
"You tell me I have to keep the law and circumcision ispart of the law as well as blood sacrifices." ***The death and resurrection of Christ changed the rulesthat regulated who might approach God. Before His resurrection it was based on ancestry. Andcircumcision marked who wad and was not part of that ancestry. Circumcision was replaced by baptism and receipt ofthe Holy Spirit. Before Christ, God worked with a nation. That nation wasIsrael. God called for Israel to be separate and distinct. The mark of being a member of that family or nation wascircumcision. The nation of Israel possessed God's written code thatexplained His standard of behavior expected by Him. The people if that nation, Israel, could not approach God.It was done through priests and intermediates. The code of behavior given to that nation, this includescircumcision, were never meant to grant them eternal life. Since the resurrection of Christ God's chosen peopleconsists of a body of believers drawn from all the nations of the world. This body of believers is now referred to as God's Church(Ekklesia). They are the called-out-ones. God brings individuals into that church through faith, andHe marks them with the seal of His Holy Spirit. The new approach is called the New Covenant. With the New Covenant each of us have direct access tothe Father. The laws that were designed to mark Israel as a nation,and the set of rules that governed them were the heart and soul of the Old Covenant. The 10 Commandments, as well as the dietary laws ofclean and unclean animals have existed from creation. They are still in force for His Church. These laws are for our benefit.
ICANT Member (Idle past 193 days) Posts: 6769 From: SSC Joined: |
Hi AZ,
AZPaul3 writes: All you need do is add in extreme segregation, constant proselytizing and burning at the stake, and you have just defined a church. The only church I know of that burned people at the stake was the Roman Catholic church. They burned 280 people at the stake during bloody Mary's reign in England. No churches that I know are extreme segregationist. That does not mean there are not some. In the 40's we had colored folks attend our church and some of us attended their church. We had church on the first Sunday of the month and they had church on the 3rd Sunday. There was only a few preachers around so we could only have church once a month. When you say proselytizing are you talking about trying to get the members of another church to join their church? That is what proselytizing is. I think I was describing what a lot of EvC members are doing here. God Bless,"John 5:39 (KJS) Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."
ICANT Member (Idle past 193 days) Posts: 6769 From: SSC Joined: |
Hi C2,
You made a lot of claims in this message but you did not give any scripture to support your claims. Please give scripture to support claims so I can discuss what the Bible says. Thanks. God Bless,"John 5:39 (KJS) Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."
candle2 Member Posts: 892 Joined: |
ICANT, you wrote:
"You made a lot of claims in this message but you didnot give any scripture to support your claims. ***I am not for certain what you do or do not u/s aboutwhat I have posted. For now I will give scriptures about Israel being God's chosen, one and only, in the OT. Amos 3:1-2 "Hear this word that the Lord has spokenagainst you. O children of Israel, against the whole family which I brought up from the land of Egypt, saying: You only have I known of all the families of the earth;..." Deuteronomy 7:6 "For you are a holy people to the Lordyour God; the Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth."
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