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Author | Topic: D&D and satanisim | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
compmage Member (Idle past 5471 days) Posts: 601 From: South Africa Joined: |
Yaro writes: But at that time, I was in a christian school BTW, alot of the other kids and teachers gave us funny looks, and commented on the greivous sin of Dungeons and Dragons. Hell, I was almost kicked out of school for having a copy of Dragon Strike (TM) a flight simulator with the twist that you fly dragons, set in the world of Dragon Lance(TM). Got off after being forced to read a couple of doxen pamphlets on D&D, mostly about how satanic it is, with little stories about how kids where 'possed' and thought they actually were there characters. I wondered at the time why there was no mention of the mental health of these kids before they played. Anyway, never played D&D, but I used to play (still do occationally) Rolemaster. My character is a half-elf warrior-mage (lvl 3), magic is still on the weak side so he is mostly a melee character. Freedom, morality, and the human dignity of the individual consists precisely in this; that he does good not because he is forced to do so, but because he freely conceives it, wants it, and loves it. - Mikhail Bakunin, God and the State, from The Columbian Dictionary of Quotations
nator Member (Idle past 2487 days) Posts: 12961 From: Ann Arbor Joined: |
Wake of the Ravager DID suck--so many bugs that it crashed on us all the time.
You are making me want to play Shattered Lands again. Let's see, do I want to be the half-giant that gets to pummel everybody or do I want to be the cleric who can dispel all of those shadows when you pick up the ring in the desert right outside the entrance to the wyrm? I want to date, and shop, and hang out, and go to school, and save the world from unspeakable demons. You know...girly things." -Buffy
TechnoCore Inactive Member |
Yay !
Rolemaster was my favourite rpg, but i haven't played it for years now. Now I'm into LARP, live action role playing, you know dressing up and act out everything in the woods in 1:1 scale ![]() Anyone here done that ? From what i've heard the swedish version of LARP differs alot from the american though. There are no game-leaders(?), and the LARP's are often planned for a couple of years in advance, lasting for about a week. We've had all the satanist debate here concering it too, and also if its bad for people to play an alternate character day and night for a week. Personally I don't think so. The problem is that it's so hard to stay in character for more than short moments now and then ![]()
crashfrog Member (Idle past 1784 days) Posts: 19762 From: Silver Spring, MD Joined: |
Now I'm into LARP, live action role playing, you know dressing up and act out everything in the woods in 1:1 scale Anyone here done that ? Played some Vampire: The Whatever LARP, it was ok... nothing like what I think you're talking about. I made foam padded swords (of a number of different types and cultures, including foam padded katanas, which I've never really seen) for my Gaming Society and became the unbeaten champion. That's about it. What you're talking about sounds like hella fun.
TechnoCore Inactive Member |
Yeah it's really the best way to spend a holliday. Only bad thing is it really takes alot of time for preparation.
I've made a few paded sword's myself, using latex. Some we use real metal swords, but then any fighting in them is decided and practiced beforehand. Many Larps has no fighting at all, since they focus on other things. I've been to about 10 LARPs (or lajv's as we say in sweden) during the last 10 years. The thing is that each year the requirements are raised a bit from last year. (equipement, clothing, housing and so on). The largest Larp I've been to had 1200 people and lasted a week.It's setting was medival, with a few fantasy things thrown in, a new religon, and alot more. A small wooden town was actually built for the occasion, consisting of maybe 20 wooden houses, some even had 2 floors. 3 kilometers away through the forrest there were a small village, and maybe 10 km away there was a 40*40 m monestary, built with logs. Depending on the role you played you got different amount of money (copper-coins) to start out with. There were 7 pubs in the town serving mead, thats where i spent mine ![]() Since too many of the participants were 'adventures', search parties were organized during the days for orc-hunt. Personally i was boss over the city-guard. I was slain the last day when a demon had possesed the king, and an orc-horde attacked the town. Still no game-leaders anywhere ![]()
Dan Carroll Inactive Member |
Bah to your D&D. Bakc when I was in the roleplaying loop, I was a total newschool "Magic: The Gathering" brat.
As for your question itself, the only evil bred by D&D is four or five hour arguments about the semantics of the rules for each and every die throw, which can only breed hatred. "Perhaps you should take your furs and your literal interpretations to the other side of the river." -Anya
IrishRockhound Member (Idle past 4754 days) Posts: 569 From: Ireland Joined: |
Hey, I do Werewolf: The Apocalypse and Changling: The Dreaming on Monday nights. Great fun - we all get together in a pub and LARP for a single session as part of an on-going storyline. Like regular roleplaying only we get up and move around and stuff.
I play everything and anything - I run D&D once a week and play in any other game I can get to. I've tried Rolemaster (too stats heavy), Mage, Warhammer Fantasy RP, Magic the Gathering, Legend of the Five Rings, dozens of board games and single scenario adventures in any number of systems; I'm completely addicted to computer RPG's of all shapes and sizes, I love Gameboy RPG's most of all, and I go LAN gaming anytime I can convince enough people to come along. ![]() I'm thinking of getting a T shirt made up with "Addicted to Games" on the back. But getting to the actual topic... some of the more recent stuff that WotC have done, like the Book of Vile Darkness, is definitely going to scare fundies. There's another book by Valar Publishing called the Book of Erotic Fantasy (for D&D 3.5 Ed) that might cause heart attacks just because of the pictures - they're all altered and retouched photos rather than artwork. It's inevitable that people don't understand this kind of stuff, no matter how tame it might be to the people who actually know it. I mean, the Erotic Fantasy book is actually a very comprehensive and in-depth examination of how D&D rules apply to sex and its related subjects. It's not porn by any stretch of the imagination - but a fundie would take it that way. The Rock Hound
Loudmouth Inactive Member |
Holy crap!! This thread is just more proof that scientists really are geeks. Hehehe, it's nice not to be alone.
I never got into the paper and pencil games, I never had the attention span. However, give me a computer RPG and I may not leave the house for a few days. Just as a little foreshadowing, I can see the creationists forming their arguments now. The ultimate psychological connection. The imagination needed to play D&D flows over into a scientists other life, making up scenarios to explain the diversity of life. I guess we could redefine increased fitness as a -1 THAC0?
Yaro Member (Idle past 6813 days) Posts: 1797 Joined: |
I love werewolf! That was a fun game, I never got into the White Wolf games that much tho. They were much to Goth. In Werewolf, I enjoyed playing a "good guy" race. It was fun.
The best part about it was just being so damn strong! I mean my character could pick up cars and throw them at people. You rarely get to do that with your avarge D&D race. I hated Vampire. Much too brooding, I hate it. To goth, Im a positive kind of person. I like playing epic type hero quests ![]() I love gameboy RPG's as well. I loved all the Final Fantasy Legend series, as well as the very first Secret of Mana, known in the US as Final Fantasy Adventure. Heck, I even like pokemon to some extent, it's fun. One thing I could never get into with Computer or Console RPG's was MMORPGs. They are so boring. I don't think anyone has done those right. Belive it or not folks, the only good MMORGs are MUD's. Anyone here play Muds?
Loudmouth Inactive Member |
quote: Can't believe people are still playing those. I was totally addicted during my college years (8 years ago). Went immort 5 times on a Merc Mud. Good to here people are still on those instead of the fancier Everquests and such.
crashfrog Member (Idle past 1784 days) Posts: 19762 From: Silver Spring, MD Joined: |
As for your question itself, the only evil bred by D&D is four or five hour arguments about the semantics of the rules for each and every die throw, which can only breed hatred. The leaders of our gaming society double as rules adjudicators, whose rulings are final. We take that responsiblity pretty seriously and we've been known to make rules rulings that are immediately disadvantageous to us in a game we're playing, just for fairness. I'd say it works pretty well. Rules-lawyering isn't so bad if you all agree to appoint the lawyer.
crashfrog Member (Idle past 1784 days) Posts: 19762 From: Silver Spring, MD Joined: |
One thing I could never get into with Computer or Console RPG's was MMORPGs. They are so boring. I don't think anyone has done those right. From what I've heard, the upcoming World of Warcraft might just be your thing. They're getting rid of the boredom, I guess.
Anyone here play Muds? Never got into em. I don't like text-based games. Try Neverwinter Nights. You might find the experience a lot like the MUD's you're used to.
Dr Jack Member Posts: 3514 From: Immigrant in the land of Deutsch Joined: |
Forget the mainstream - you want to go and play indie games, like (just for example, you understand) Great Ork Gods.
No bias here. No sir. Just move on. "You're Green, You're Ugly and the Gods Hate You."
One_Charred_Wing Member (Idle past 6473 days) Posts: 690 From: USA West Coast Joined: |
"Holy crap!! This thread is just more proof that scientists really are geeks."
Yeah, I'm starting to think that myself. I don't understand half the stuff you guys are talking about, could you please stick to the discussion over whether it's satanic or not? Because satanic or not if they put me in hell they'd hand me an instructions booklet to one of those games and watch me try in vain to understand all this SWORD OF FLAMING CRAP+2 stuff. Please remember not all of us on this thread have charted the labrynth, defeated the minotaur, found the Cookie of Sages and dunked it into the Milk of Doom. Wanna feel God? Step onto the wrestling mat and you'd be crazy to deny the uplifting spirit.
SRO2 ![]() Inactive Member |
Then isn't it your responsibilty to learn how to defeat a minotaur with a cookie of sages dunked into the milk of doom prior to commenting on it?
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