Although there are some rule books that deal with demons (T'anari) and devils (Baatzu), the're still none more real that the ones some fundies believe in.
Unfortunately they used to have
more "demonic" names - and they changed them at least partially because of the pressure from the Christian nutters who complained.
For Herr Goku, here is a
report about a study that proved that RPG games are dangerous. After all:
A 15-year old girl was reportedly raped in Angleton, Texas by Armando Simon, 33, a prison psychologist counseling inmates for sexual crimes. According to court testimony, the girl was enticed into sex through an extended D&D game in which she was given the role of “someone who would lose her powers after doing something wrong.” Simon played a character constantly interested in women and his wife would often play a lesbian. The wife encouraged the sex by showing the girl photos of Simon naked with other women. She told the girl, “He always wanted a virgin as a gift.” The psychologist and the girl first had sex after returning from a D&D convention in Houston (Houston Chronicle, 8 May 85)
So, sinners, step away from the D20.