I would like to add some things to the mix but want to ensure that I am not unwelcome to do so first. I have been gone for a little over a year, so perhaps my sudden re-entry would seem a bit arrongant. Please let me know if this is the case. Also, I want to briefly explain my history with role-playing in general.
I started with AD&D back in 1989 or 1990. I have also spend considerable time playing Marvel Super Heroes (the old system), Rifts and other Palladium systems, GURPS, and some of those gaming systems that come out new and you try thinking that it might be something good only to find out it was a waste of time. In the span of time I spent in RPG's (until 1999) my involvement could accurately be described as intense. I would say, while bordering closely to bragging, that my level of knowledge is very experienced.
I would like to make some comments on the question raised from the Biblical Christian perspective. I just want to accurately convey first that I know the argument from both sides. If there is any questions or further information needed to validate this please ask. Otherwise, I will begin formulating a response to post sometime in the very near future.