Phatboy responds to me:
Ah, so you're contradicting your earlier claim that neutrality is impossible.
No, Rrhainman! I am clarifying my position. Neutrality is impossible for a believer but not for a relativist who refuses to bow to any absolute not defined by themself.
But that isn't what you originally said.
Besides, even if you are trying to claim that you were only talking about the occult, how does one explain Joseph's occult interpretation of dreams?
You have claimed to be a "believer" in the past.
Incorrect. I have never claimed to believe or not believe. I have simply said that my lack of belief in a specific version of a category does not indicate I have no belief in the entire category.
F'rinstance, I don't like okra. That doesn't mean I don't like all vegetables.
How do you put it?
That you just believe in god but not MY god?
No, that isn't what I say at all. What I say is that just because I don't believe in
your god doesn't mean I don't believe in
any god.
Note, this doesn't mean I do believe in god. You, after all, are in the same position as an atheist with regard to all of the other gods you don't believe in.
You have yet to describe your "god" to us, and I suspect it is because this god concept is really framed by your own logic.
Incorrect. I have yet to describe whether or not I believe in god at all. I have specifically refrained from doing so in order to ensure people cannot claim, "You only say that because you're an X."
After all, truth is not beholden to whether or not I believe something. If life evolved, then life evolved with or without me.
In other words, you are a deity within your own mind. If I am wrong, kindly explain your deity to the rest of us.
I have claimed to be god, but that was to point out that someone couldn't show I wasn't.
Many fundies who claim to know God make this mistake and are far worse than you are at it.
Since I have never claimed to know god, I wouldn't know.
Am I correct in assuming that you believe human wisdom to be the origin of all concepts and beliefs?
I refuse to say.