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Author Topic:   D&D and satanisim
New Cat's Eye
Inactive Member

Message 133 of 164 (455215)
02-11-2008 1:39 PM
Reply to: Message 132 by Son Goku
02-11-2008 1:32 PM

Re: Confused
I'll probably sound really naive, but is D&D that game where one guy "talks" a story to everybody else and the rest play it out using characters they've invented.
If that is the case, are there really people who think its evil

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 Message 132 by Son Goku, posted 02-11-2008 1:32 PM Son Goku has replied

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 Message 134 by Son Goku, posted 02-11-2008 1:51 PM New Cat's Eye has replied

New Cat's Eye
Inactive Member

Message 135 of 164 (455222)
02-11-2008 2:03 PM
Reply to: Message 134 by Son Goku
02-11-2008 1:51 PM

Re: Confused
But it's just a little game with dices and that sort of stuff.
Indeed. But there's pretending of magic, etc. That's the devil tricking people into thinking that magic is real or something like that.
Maybe I'm just not used to US culture.
Its not just US culture, its US Fundamentalist Christian culture. Sometimes they make me ashamed to call myself a Christian.
Is there a specific region of the US where these people are concentrated?
Have you ever heard of the Bible Belt?
Do they think other modern pastimes are bad? Like computer games for example.
Oh sure. Please don't ask for sources, but they've claimed that video games cause violence in children and they've even gone so far as to say that even Harry Potter books shouldn't be read because they praise witchcraft etc.
They're really lame and stupid, IMAO.

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 Message 134 by Son Goku, posted 02-11-2008 1:51 PM Son Goku has replied

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 Message 137 by Chiroptera, posted 02-11-2008 2:38 PM New Cat's Eye has not replied
 Message 140 by Son Goku, posted 02-12-2008 12:03 PM New Cat's Eye has replied

New Cat's Eye
Inactive Member

Message 142 of 164 (455430)
02-12-2008 12:27 PM
Reply to: Message 140 by Son Goku
02-12-2008 12:03 PM

Re: Confused
However I only thought they were conservative protestants with strong family values, with an opposition to trends related to the relaxing of sexual taboos.
That's not un-true, but its not just that.
I didn't think they were anti-boardgames as well.
I wouldn't call them anti-boardgame, they are against any game that they can spin into and "evil" one.
To be honest thinking a boardgame is evil is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard.
Well, Christian Fundamentalists are ridiculous.
they've claimed that video games cause violence in children
All of them?
No, just the bad ones.
I can possibly understand them thinking games like GTA might do this,
Yeah... Says the father to the son: "You know, son, if you kill that hooker, you can get your money back."
but surely they don't think the same about Half Life 2 for example.
What parents should take into consideration when deciding if this game is appropriate for their child:
- The Half-Life 2 games are very violent and very bloody. Blood sprays on the walls when an enemy is shot. There are also times when the player will encounter dead bodies covered in blood. There is also a weapon called a gravity gun that allows the player to magnetically draw an object in and then hurl it outwards. One such object that can be used with the gravity gun is a giant saw blade. When the saw blade is hurled at an enemy, the enemy is sliced in half.
- There is some bad language in the Half-Life 2 games. Most of the words are words that you would hear on television (such as hell and damn). The word s**t is used a couple of times and God's name is used inappropriately at times.
It is because of the violence and blood in Half-Life 2 that I cannot recommend The Orange Box for children. Most of the games on The Orange Box are rated M and I would agree that these games are best left for a mature audience.source
Here is a link to one rating system.
I have no words for this. It is simply too bizarre for me to comprehend.
Dude... some of these US christians are CRAZY!

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 Message 140 by Son Goku, posted 02-12-2008 12:03 PM Son Goku has not replied

New Cat's Eye
Inactive Member

Message 152 of 164 (458309)
02-28-2008 9:49 AM
Reply to: Message 146 by Vacate
02-28-2008 12:44 AM

Re: absence of God
All that evil is is the absence of God
All what evil?
I think you've misunderstood Phat.
He was just defining evil in general as an absence of god. He was not referring to some specific evil with the word 'that'. Its a phrase. All that X is, is blah blah blah. Granted, it was ambiguous.
That is what I do not understand about the claims of D&D being evil.
The christians think its evil because they don't understand it and it contains magic and demons n'stuff. They are quick to judge, which is wierd because its against their religion
I never learned the results of his experience because he never again bothered me about my harmless social gatherings.
The results were probably: "Wow, my son is a huge dork." just playin'
The mere fact that the game does not promote religion does not seem like a valid reason to consider it evil. How about gardening or painting the fence?
I think what Phat was saying is that if evil is defined as the absence of god, then the game could be considered evil in that it is not with god (at least not the real god). In this case, yes, gardening without god is evil too

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 Message 146 by Vacate, posted 02-28-2008 12:44 AM Vacate has replied

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 Message 154 by Vacate, posted 02-28-2008 6:32 PM New Cat's Eye has not replied

New Cat's Eye
Inactive Member

Message 153 of 164 (458311)
02-28-2008 9:50 AM
Reply to: Message 147 by Son Goku
02-28-2008 7:02 AM

Re: Absolutely mad.
4. Child thinks that magic is real and is okay to practice, which is something the Bible condemns.

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 Message 147 by Son Goku, posted 02-28-2008 7:02 AM Son Goku has not replied

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