Seriously though, myself and several friends have been playing D&D for the best part of 25 years and we all are at least agnostic.
Lucky you - I haven't had a decent game in years...
1986, Dales Bible camp - very fundementalist, very charismatic... some youth from a neighbouring church had naively bought a copy of Basic D&D, and were struggling through trying to play in one of their caravans. I stupidly stepped in, offering my six years expertise to help them out. Naturally, they loved having an experienced DM, and we had a great game. Then it slowly dawned on me that there were numerous elders of their church, surrounding the caravan in the twilight, praying fervantly against our game. Eventually they raided us, and thus began the pointing out of pictures of orcs, and the asking of how this could be gloryfying to God, etc. As an outsider, I quietly slipped away into the night, pissing myself laughing

Next day they had to take the set back to the shop, where they were allowed to buy a copy of MERP, as Tolkein was felt to be 'ok'. They also picked up an expansion - 'Paths of the Dead'

- and so it all began again...
Good times