Yaro writes:
But at that time, I was in a christian school BTW, alot of the other kids and teachers gave us funny looks, and commented on the greivous sin of Dungeons and Dragons.
Hell, I was almost kicked out of school for having a copy of Dragon Strike (TM) a flight simulator with the twist that you fly dragons, set in the world of Dragon Lance(TM).
Got off after being forced to read a couple of doxen pamphlets on D&D, mostly about how satanic it is, with little stories about how kids where 'possed' and thought they actually were there characters. I wondered at the time why there was no mention of the mental health of these kids before they played.
Anyway, never played D&D, but I used to play (still do occationally) Rolemaster. My character is a half-elf warrior-mage (lvl 3), magic is still on the weak side so he is mostly a melee character.
Freedom, morality, and the human dignity of the individual consists precisely in
this; that he does good not because he is forced to do so, but because he freely
conceives it, wants it, and loves it.
- Mikhail Bakunin,
God and the State, from
The Columbian Dictionary of Quotations