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Author | Topic: The TRVE history of the Flood... | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
jar Member (Idle past 154 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
Faith writes: The evidence for the Flood is gargantuan, worldwide, starting with the sedimentary strata that were laid down one on top of another across huge spans of geography, obviously deposited by water, showing very tight contacts between them, razor sharp in many cases. Yes, you have made that assertion many times and yet have never provided any evidence that any of the sedimentary rocks were the result of either of the Biblical flood myths. That is what is needed Faith.
Faith writes: Then there was the amount of time erosion would have had since then to carve various figures out of the deposited sedimentary rock. 4500 years just about exactly the right amount of time to carve the hoodoos and the monuments and the Grand Staircase and so on. Yes, you have made that assertion main times and it is still as silly an assertion as in all the other times you've tried to market it. And of course, you have never offered any evidence to support such nonsense. And often it is really easy to prove a negative. When someone claims to have shot and hit a target but there is no hole in the target their claim is refuted. And there is absolute evidence that there has never been a world wide flood during the time humans existed.
jar Member (Idle past 154 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
Faith writes: I've described the strata, answer the descdription. Actually Faith, no you have not. What you have done is describe your made up strata.
Faith writes: The description suggests a young earth. Actually Faith, no it does not. YOU make up the fantasy of a young Earth based on your perversion of the Bible.
Faith writes: Yes the bible is infallible, but it doesn't dictate the eviddnece. Actually Faith, no it is not. Once gain the reality is that the Bible is filled with factual errors and contradictions. What you claim is infallible is your fantasy.
jar Member (Idle past 154 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
Tangle writes: You see this is quite easy for us, because there's no evidence for a global flood at any point in the earth's history, so just confirm your date and we can move on to evidence. At least not during the time humans existed. But wait; there's more. The Bible has two mutually exclusive flood stories so either there were two floods or one of the flood stories is false. Just yet more proof that the Bible is the product of man and not inerrant.
jar Member (Idle past 154 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
hbd writes: However, you do realize that adding and multiplying numbers alone is not science, don't you? How about the science of numerology and the only true science of the mind, phrenology, and the science of humors like blood, phlegm, black and yellow bile?
jar Member (Idle past 154 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
Faith writes: I was trying to get you to come out of your box long enough to consider that IF the Bible IS true then what choice does a person have but to start with what it says in constructing a scientific account of anything it addresses? Instead of sticking to your formula about "religion" which keeps you in your box, what would happen if you tried just a teensy bit to see things as we see them? If the Bible is true, as we believe it is, then you have to start there. You will immediately see that it calls certain things you believe into question. If it's TRUE. See? But Faith, almost everyone (Christians at least) did start with the concept that the Bible is true. But that is simply where people start. After that people actually read the Bible and noticed that it is filled with contradictions and fallacies. Next the honest people looked at reality and realized that what is claimed in the Bible is refuted by what God actually wrote, the record in the rocks and living things.
jar Member (Idle past 154 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
Of course the Bible doesn't have just one Flood myth but rather two mutually exclusive and contradictory flood myths. If one was true (and of course neither is true) then the other must be false. Therefore based solely on what is written in the Bible, at least one of the myths must be false.
Since both stories are contradictory it is necessary to look outside the Bible to try to determine which of the myths might be true. Unfortunately when that is done all of the evidence shows that neither of the myths just as with the two Creation myths, are true. Both the actual words of the Bible and reality show that the Bible contains falsehoods. Thank God!
jar Member (Idle past 154 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
Sorry but you have still offered no evidence that either of the Biblical flood myths ever happened and ALL of the evidence found in reality shows that no Biblical flood ever happened.
It is dumb to try to move on when you have not shown anything of worthy, value or interest.
jar Member (Idle past 154 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined:
A few paintings from thousands of years before the imagined dates of either Biblical flood
And a few petroglyphs. Here are just a few of the petroglyphs, paintings and other evidence that have never been under water for a year. And a listing of locations where petroglyphs and some cave paintings can be found. Note that they show that since the advent of modern man the world has never been flooded. Belief in some Biblical Flood is simply silly and false.
jar Member (Idle past 154 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
Faith writes: the idea of more than one biblical flood is what's silly, AND the date of course Yet more misrepresentation and falsehoods from you Faith. What I have said is that there are two mutually exclusive and contradictory flood myths in the Bible and guess what, there are. You have even been shown repeatedly the actual texts from the Bible but I will gladly provide them yet again.
Here are the two folktales side-by-side.
Faith writes: Unfortunately what's silly is how these things are dated. Yet your ignorance does not change the fact that these items are from thousands of years before your imaginary fantasy floods.
Faith writes: They came after the (one/singular worldwide) Flood. In fact the rocks and caves where they are painted are certainly the product of the Flood. The Grand Canyon certainly is and there are paintings there too. Yet the fact remains that there has never been a world-wide flood during the time humans existed on Earth and these paintings and petroglyphs are yet more direct evidence of that fact. The Biblical flood is just a myth.
jar Member (Idle past 154 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined:
So here are a few more facts. Note these are not assumptions but facts.
The Chauvet Cave paintings date to about 30,000 BCE. That's long before either Adam or Eve or the Garden of Eden. Newgrange predates the flood and Knowth brackets the dates assumed for the imaginary Biblical Flood. Neither has ever been under water. And if you like Faith, the list goes on and on. The Jomon culture lasted from 14,000 BCE to 300 BCE and shows no middle eastern influence. Now granted you will likely claim the dates are wrong but you have never been able to offer any evidence other than the fables found in the Bible stories. The fact remains that the Bible contains two different flood myths and two different creation myths with two different Gods doing the creation. Even in the area of Bible Study the flood myths are simply morality tales, folktales and fables just as the creation myths are not really about creation but rather "Just So" stories designed to explain cultural practices.
jar Member (Idle past 154 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
Faith writes: Yes I will claim that the dates are wrong, but I've offered lots of evidence for the Flood here, and good evidence too, based not on the Bible but on observations. Nonsense Faith, that is simply not true no matter how many times you repeat it. But it is also irrelevant. To totally and completely disprove the utter absurdity called the Biblical flood all that is needed is the fact that there are two different flood myths in the Bible and just one spot on Earth that has not be flooded while humans existed. And both of those conditions have been met in this very thread. The Biblical Flood has been totally refuted and no honest person who is not either deluded or willfully ignorant disputes that fact.
jar Member (Idle past 154 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined:
Faith writes: Those who study the rocks come to them with a head full of bias just as a creationist does. They can only see what their theory tells them to see. Faith, Faith, Faith! You know you are just not telling the truth again. Reality is that Geology began under the misconception that the Earth was young and that there was a Biblical flood and other such nonsense. That was the common bias until folk actually looked at the evidence. Since then (at least a few hundred years) the utter nonsense of Young Earth and Biblical Flood have rightly been thrown on the trash heap.
jar Member (Idle past 154 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
Those early geologists were far more honest and actually looked at the evidence as opposed to the dishonesty and willful ignorance found in Young Earth supporters and Creationists.
But the Bible itself refutes any nonsense that there actually was a Biblical Flood since it includes two different flood myths.
Faith writes: And I'm getting AWFULLY tired of being called a liar based only on your different opinion of these things. If it was simply a matter of opinion you might even be justified; but of course it is not. It is an issue of reality versus the myths found in the Bible. Edited by jar, : fix floating quote box.
jar Member (Idle past 154 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
Faith writes: Two biblical floods for instance is ...stupid...opinion. There you go misrepresenting what has been said and supported by facts Faith. No one said there were two Biblical Floods (since there was not even one in reality) but rather that the Bible has two different flood myths. That is simply a fact as you have been shown.
jar Member (Idle past 154 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
Faith writes: The point is, as long as you have no way of actually seeing into the past, all your dates are guesses about how long anything would have taken in reality. The point is that those who are honest and not willfully ignorant do have many different ways to see into the past, in fact into the far distant past of billions of years ago. It is only the willfully ignorant, the dishonest and the deluded that are unable to see into the past. And no, the reality is that it is not just guesses. It is the result of evidence, observation, honesty and attention to detail.
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