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Author | Topic: The TRVE history of the Flood... | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Minnemooseus Member Posts: 3978 From: Duluth, Minnesota, U.S. (West end of Lake Superior) Joined: Member Rating: 5.7 |
Looks like as good of a place as any to interject this (repeating the subtitle):
Didn't "the math" indicate that Methuselah lived until after "the flood"? Moose
CRR Member (Idle past 2559 days) Posts: 579 From: Australia Joined: |
Davidjay ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 2646 days) Posts: 1026 From: B.C Canada Joined: |
ForeFathersGraphic From the easy to comprehend and visually see the generations before the Flood, do note that Methulselah lived 969 years and died before the flood. Do note how the Lord took his people before the flood, as they were not killed in the flood !!! The flood taking place in 2348 BC as mentioned by me and many others.. The Lord is the GREAT SCIENTIST as He created SCIENCE and ALL LAWS and ALL MATTER and of course ALL LIFE. God is the Great Architect, Designer and Mathematician. Evolutioon is not mathematical and says there is no DESIGN but that all things came about by sheer LUCK. .
jar Member (Idle past 156 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined:
A few paintings from thousands of years before the imagined dates of either Biblical flood
And a few petroglyphs. Here are just a few of the petroglyphs, paintings and other evidence that have never been under water for a year. And a listing of locations where petroglyphs and some cave paintings can be found. Note that they show that since the advent of modern man the world has never been flooded. Belief in some Biblical Flood is simply silly and false.
Faith ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 1761 days) Posts: 35298 From: Nevada, USA Joined: |
A few paintings from thousands of years before the imagined dates of either Biblical flood And a few petroglyphs. Here are just a few of the petroglyphs, paintings and other evidence that have never been under water for a year. And a listing of locations where petroglyphs and some cave paintings can be found. Note that they show that since the advent of modern man the world has never been flooded. Belief in some Biblical Flood is simply silly and false. Unfortunately what's silly is how these things are dated. They came after the (one/singular worldwide) Flood. In fact the rocks and caves where they are painted are certainly the product of the Flood. The Grand Canyon certainly is and there are paintings there too. Edited by Faith, : No reason given. Edited by Faith, : No reason given.
jar Member (Idle past 156 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
Faith writes: the idea of more than one biblical flood is what's silly, AND the date of course Yet more misrepresentation and falsehoods from you Faith. What I have said is that there are two mutually exclusive and contradictory flood myths in the Bible and guess what, there are. You have even been shown repeatedly the actual texts from the Bible but I will gladly provide them yet again.
Here are the two folktales side-by-side.
Faith writes: Unfortunately what's silly is how these things are dated. Yet your ignorance does not change the fact that these items are from thousands of years before your imaginary fantasy floods.
Faith writes: They came after the (one/singular worldwide) Flood. In fact the rocks and caves where they are painted are certainly the product of the Flood. The Grand Canyon certainly is and there are paintings there too. Yet the fact remains that there has never been a world-wide flood during the time humans existed on Earth and these paintings and petroglyphs are yet more direct evidence of that fact. The Biblical flood is just a myth.
CRR Member (Idle past 2559 days) Posts: 579 From: Australia Joined: |
Yes, it's likely that the Grand Canyon is the result of Noah's Flood/
".. the GC was formed while the waters of Noah’s Flood receded from the American continent. As this receding water flowed from east to west, the GC was mainly carved out in the opposite direction, from west to east. This scenario explains many characteristic and unusual features of the GC, such as its location through the top of a ridge, its branching structure, its numerous major and minor side canyons, its meandering and the presence of multiple ‘outflow points’ in its terminal escarpment."Grand canyon origin flood - creation.com Of course when dealing with a past event like this it can be difficult to determine exactly what happened. This is a difficulty with all the historical sciences.
Pressie Member (Idle past 292 days) Posts: 2103 From: Pretoria, SA Joined: |
I'm still trying to figure out why some people think that some huge flood that supposedly hit North America was also simultaneously supposed to happen all over the world...
Pressie Member (Idle past 292 days) Posts: 2103 From: Pretoria, SA Joined: |
He-he-he. This one is funny.
CRR writes: It's actually quite easy. Predict what's going to be found underground. Go for the methods of deposition, mining plans, etc. Billions spent. Of course when dealing with a past event like this it can be difficult to determine exactly what happened. This is a difficulty with all the historical sciences. Put your money where your mouth is. You don't want to do it and have lots of excuses, because you know that you are wrong.
jar Member (Idle past 156 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined:
So here are a few more facts. Note these are not assumptions but facts.
The Chauvet Cave paintings date to about 30,000 BCE. That's long before either Adam or Eve or the Garden of Eden. Newgrange predates the flood and Knowth brackets the dates assumed for the imaginary Biblical Flood. Neither has ever been under water. And if you like Faith, the list goes on and on. The Jomon culture lasted from 14,000 BCE to 300 BCE and shows no middle eastern influence. Now granted you will likely claim the dates are wrong but you have never been able to offer any evidence other than the fables found in the Bible stories. The fact remains that the Bible contains two different flood myths and two different creation myths with two different Gods doing the creation. Even in the area of Bible Study the flood myths are simply morality tales, folktales and fables just as the creation myths are not really about creation but rather "Just So" stories designed to explain cultural practices.
Faith ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 1761 days) Posts: 35298 From: Nevada, USA Joined: |
Yes, it's likely that the Grand Canyon is the result of Noah's Flood/... Of course when dealing with a past event like this it can be difficult to determine exactly what happened. This is a difficulty with all the historical sciences. Yes, very true, but try to get that acknowledged by anyone but a creationist. To hear most people here talk, whatever they can dream up about the past is solid fact. And of course anything their dating methods come up with is on a par with eyewitness testimony. There are many threads at EvC on the Grand Canyon here. I've spent a lot of time thinking through what must have happened. Sometimes I'll take off from what a creationist ministry has to say, but visualizing the situation for myself is more fun. I'm no geologist but there are some pretty simple observations that can be made about the canyon, and the whole area to the north of it as well, that fit the Flood scenario very well. I'm glad to see I came to the same conclusion the creationist ministry you quote came to, -- that is partly what makes this fun, finding out that different people come to the same conclusions from simple observations -- that the canyon was carved by the receding waters of the Flood. And of course the strata the canyon cuts into were built by the Flood itself. It's nice to hsve a couple of serious creationists here for a change, meaning you and Dredge. I gather you've studied these things quite a bit. I've noticed that you accept mutations where I wouldn't, but nevertheless we seem to be mostly on the same page about all this, which is really quite unusual in my experience. Edited by Faith, : No reason given.
Faith ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 1761 days) Posts: 35298 From: Nevada, USA Joined: |
Now granted you will likely claim the dates are wrong but you have never been able to offer any evidence other than the fables found in the Bible stories. Yes I will claim that the dates are wrong, but I've offered lots of evidence for the Flood here, and good evidence too, based not on the Bible but on observations -- observations that first of all show the absurdity of the Old Earth interpretations, but also evidence for rapid deposition of the strata and that sort of thing. Edited by Faith, : No reason given.
jar Member (Idle past 156 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
Faith writes: Yes I will claim that the dates are wrong, but I've offered lots of evidence for the Flood here, and good evidence too, based not on the Bible but on observations. Nonsense Faith, that is simply not true no matter how many times you repeat it. But it is also irrelevant. To totally and completely disprove the utter absurdity called the Biblical flood all that is needed is the fact that there are two different flood myths in the Bible and just one spot on Earth that has not be flooded while humans existed. And both of those conditions have been met in this very thread. The Biblical Flood has been totally refuted and no honest person who is not either deluded or willfully ignorant disputes that fact.
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined: |
I'm glad to see I came to the same conclusion the creationist ministry you quote came to, -- that is partly what makes this fun, finding out that different people come to the same conclusions from simple observations ... Yes, you all read the same fatuous creationist propaganda and came to the conclusion that it was correct, that's got to mean something. Of course, your conclusions are at complete variance with those of people who studied the rocks instead, and that too means something.
NoNukes Inactive Member
. In fact the rocks and caves where they are painted are certainly the product of the Flood. Certainly? Based on what evidence? The same evidence used for your grand canyon suppositions? Best summed up as "Well it looks like that to me" The dates are established based on evidence that you have no way to refute. Also, Stonehenge and the pyramids are older than the flood? Incidentally, the pyramids are never even mentioned in the Bible. All dated via multiple methods. Edited by NoNukes, : No reason given. Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also in prison. Thoreau: Civil Disobedience (1846) History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people. Martin Luther King I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend. Thomas Jefferson Seems to me if its clear that certain things that require ancient dates couldn't possibly be true, we are on our way to throwing out all those ancient dates on the basis of the actual evidence. -- Faith Some of us are worried about just how much damage he will do in his last couple of weeks as president, to make it easier for the NY Times and Washington post to try to destroy Trump's presidency. -- marc9000
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