I'm trying to work out in my head how your scenario would work.
Remember, the Flood rose for forty days (Genesis 7:17) and according to you the Grand Staircase has two miles of Flood sediment. So 10,000 ft of sediment (rounded off) would have to be under water at least 10,000 ft deeper than the start of the flood. That means 10,000 ft water / 40 days = 250 ft of water per day.
Would there be any tides as we know them? Tide heights are due to the interference of continents on the travel of the tidal bulge. Mid-ocean islands have much smaller tides than continental shores. As the Flood deepened and more of the continents were flooded, the tidal range would shrink.
Between the two affects of tide and rising Flood, I would think that rather than tides flowing in & out, the rising Flood would slow during the falling tide and surge faster during the rising tide. More like stairsteps than cycles.