I suppose I could quote some liberals here at EVC, but that might start a nasty fight.
I'm sorry. Perhaps I wasn't clear, or perhaps I misunderstood what you said.
You made a factual claim in response to crashfrog's statement:
Because I can turn on the radio and hear Sean Hannity, Bill O'Rielly, and Michael Savage spew vile hatred at everybody
No more than liberals spew towards conservatives
...to which I replied:
Exactly who are you referring to, on which networks, on which shows, at what times? And do you have some quotes, some examples of what these people are saying?
See, to me is seems very much as though you were saying that there were liberals on television and radio programs in equal numbers, spewing similar kinds and amounts of hateful rhetoric that Savage, O'Reilly, and Hannity do on their programs.
I am not familiar with such liberal programming, especially in TV, and so I was asking you to provide some names, networks, times that they are on, and perhaps some quotes to compare to those of the right-wingers already mentioned.
Because without these examples, it would seem that your claim that right-wingers and liberals do just about the same amount of hate-spewing on television and radio would be completely without any basis in fact.
So, I would ask that you please support your factual assertion with evidence, as
rule #4 of the forum rules requires, or withdraw the claim.