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Author Topic:   Fundamentalists (of all stripes) at it again (Re: Textbook Wars: Religion in History)
Member (Idle past 1663 days)
Posts: 9069
From: god's waiting room
Joined: 05-21-2004

Message 136 of 194 (284243)
02-05-2006 7:16 PM
Reply to: Message 134 by randman
02-05-2006 6:42 PM

the aclu and religious liberty
You never heard of the ACLU and it's lawsuits against school districts?
what, this aclu? or this one? or maybe this one? i think the problem is that you have an "us v. them" mentality, and anyone who does something that is superficially against your religion is a "them." what you don't seem to understand is that the aclu fervently defends the 1st amendment -- including the right to feely practice religion in whatever way you choose. in this country, that right is ensured by keeping government out of religion. they're not trying to protect government from religion, they're trying to protect religion from government.
keeping religion out of school is one way to do that. teaching one religion promotes it over others -- something you only disagree with because it's your religion being promoted. but in america we protect liberties by protecting them for everyone, not just a select few. can you imagine if they taught islamic creationism in schools? or hindu? or buddhist? your freedom to practice your religion is gauranteed because of the neutral playing field: because everyone can practice whatever religion they want without government intervention of any kind. the only way to protect religion is to keep government out of it.

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 Message 134 by randman, posted 02-05-2006 6:42 PM randman has not replied

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