Aside from showing that you can actually finish something you start I'll suggest some improvment to your OP.
1) The title needs work; I think you mean to say "No New Genetic Information". I'm presuming that you have assumed that there is information in the genome.
2) You need to define (with what is called an "operational definition" - google that) what information is. In particular you need to offer a way to measure it so one can tell if it is increasing or decreasing with any change. If you meant to say "new" in the topic title then you would have to define how one would recognize new genetic information from old. Without making what you mean clear there is nothing to discuss.
3) Give more of your reasoning. You say that "Genetic information doesn't just disappear". You'd have to explain how it can't "just disappear" if there is a change in the genome from one generation (or many) to the next.
4) Do not make dogmatic sounding statments about things that you have little knowledge of. In fact, you haven't any idea at all what "genetic information" might be. Nor do you know if it can disappear, appear or anything else.