Government, like science, should have no opinion on religion at all. One of the problems is that many theists interpret science which contradicts specific "sceintific" claims of their relgion as being the quivelent of atheism. There are two main problems with such an argument:
1) Don't confuse non-endorsement of YOUR particular religious view with an explicit endorsement of atheism. That is, if your relgion believes "X," But science demonstrates "NOT X," then the sciencehas simply shown that your relgion is incorrect on that point. If another relgion (or sect of your religion) believes "NOT X" or holds no opinion on X at all, then it is NOT contradicted by sceience. Seems clear enough.
2) The facts and the rational, logical conlusions drawn from them, are independent of specific religious opinion, and should remain so. We should not be afarid to pursue facts and their logical conclusions becuase of relgious taboos or sectarian interests. It is up to the individual religions or sects to reconcile themselves with reality, or not, as they choose.