Actually, no science disagrees with the Bible, only evolution which is a theory on how things have came to be through natural processes without a designer.
An outright falsehood. Geology disagrees with the Bible. Astronomy disagrees with the Bible. Physics disagrees with the Bible. Biology disagrees with the Bible. Chemistry disagrees with the Bible. And so on. You know, there is no need to lie about science; it merely makes you seem less credible.
Creation is the science of a religion,...
Not really, "Creation" is a story of the origin of the world and of us. Now, "creationism" is claimed to be a science, but given its near-constant violation of the Scientific Method, that claim is an outright lie. Creationism is claimed to be a science despite violating just about every rule there is to violate about science.
...use real science to see if our Bible relates to the facts of reality and is consistent with the facts of reality.
Well, THAT has been done, and "real science" has disproved many of the tings in the stories of the Bible
Given that there are no qualigfied creationist scientists doing so either, your argument essentially is that creationists shouldn't be allowed to teach either. Hmm...
Ahh yes the old creationists are not scientist argument.
Well, that is a fact, per the creationists violating the Scientific method.
Have a quick check of this link and then tell me there are no real scientist who believe in creation.
Yes, none of them publish scientific material about evolution or creationism in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Creationism has been pushed away from mainstream science as it deals with a designer.
Nope. If you could prove this designer, then there would be no problem with it being mainstream science. It is not that it deals with a designer, but rather that it makes un-scientific claims, claims that can not be proven or disproven. As such, the claims and the foundation for this BELIEF is not scientific. I must conclude that YOU also don't really know what science is, then?
A bias has arisen since Darwin which is strictly naturalism.
More false claims. The bias is in the mechanisms of science, of working on what can be observed and meassured rather than relying on Faith. This is an advance that dates back to the Greeks, to accepting what could be observed, even if it went against the "The God's made it happen" beliefs of its day. Yes, The antiquity had its fundamentalists as well. We see it later with Kopernicus publicizing the findings of the Earth actually rotating around the Sun, which at that time ALSO was objected to by the fundies, by the creationist literalists. And we have seen it ever since, this objection, every time the Scientific Method of observation of actual data has been applied. All scientific discovery has been made DESPITE the objections by the religious literalists, those whose faith is so weak that it is based on "proof" of God's existence rather than just Faith. They, and apparently you, are the ones who need a tangible God, those who need a "Golden Calf" to justify their faith.
Therefore anything about a designer is considered supernatural and not science.
Not if you could PROVE a designer. But sofar, the arguments for a designer HAVE BEEN supernatural, and yes, supernatural events are not science. They can not be explored throguh the Scientific Method. Is that a weakness of science, this insistence on facts and observable data? perhaps, but that IS what science does, evaluating observations through the Scientific Method. You might object to the method, but you can not justify calling something "science" if it doesn't confirm to the Scientific Method. As such, your claim is invalid.
This is a biasness, not a take on what science is and what science isnt.
Nope, your claim is an outright falsehood.