Also, when examining this area, let us look at who Jesus says he is. He says He and His father are one: that He is God. Mohammed, Confuscious, Buddha, etc. never claimed to be God - only messengers of God. Jesus defeated death, and is alive today. The founders of other religions died, and remain dead.
I'm not familiar with any written works by Jesus. Perhaps you could point some out? Because all you really have is some writers saying "Jesus said he is god". Somebody telling you what Jesus said is not the same as Jesus saying something. It's putting words in his mouth, in fact. (I think you've railed against that in your posts?)
Anyway, maybe Buddha or Mohammed didn't say they were god, although they may have been great men. The Pharohes did call themselves gods, you know. In both China and Japan the emporers were held to be the direct offspring of God, as well. And the things they did and left behind were cretainly great as well. Do you hold them to be gods as well?
The thing is, calling oneself "god" is not generally regarded as a sane thing to do. Only liars and crazy people call themselves gods, as far as we know.
Again, there's not really any evidence for Jesus's supposed resurrection. I mean, somebody told you he rose again, somebody who wasn't even there to see it, but why do you believe them? Jesus certainly isn't around today (unless he's hiding). If he did anything other than die then evidence is needed before such an event is to be accepted.
Sure, it's an issue of faith. If you simply accept these things on faith, fine. But when you try and rationalize them to the rest of us, a lot of us see a pitiable attempt to lie to oneself.
As it turns out, I can make an intellectual decision on the matter. Since it has never been shown that God intervenes in the world in a capacity that could be recognized to be statistically significant (i.e. different from random chance), I can decide that gods don't exist. Makes perfect sense to me and answers many more questions then it raises, unlike belief in the god of the bible.