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Author Topic:   Who is Jesus Christ to you?
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Message 43 of 82 (37207)
04-17-2003 10:17 AM

I think its important to agree here that there is no definite answer; that whether or not Jesus is the son of God has no definite factual answer.
It is said above that most people don't believe the Bible... yet, over the last 2000 years, it has been one of the largest and fastest growing religions on earth. Many, many people who are far superior in knowledge, science, philosophy, etc. than anyone here have accepted the Bible as truth, and Jesus as their savior. As well, many have not. There is no intellectual solution to this query. Those who try to solve it like a mathematical problem, are doomed to fail - for it is a question of faith and destiny.
As a Christian, I'm aware that my view of Jesus as God may be incorrect. I have faith that He is the savior, but I acknowledge I might be wrong. If I'm wrong, however, and there is no God - I will not have suffered because of my belief. By wordly standards, I'll have lived a moral life. The values taught in the Bible which I try to adhere to, have kept me from a great deal of pain many experience in this world - and provided me a multitude of blessings. I don't live, as most people do, for the treasures of this world - which are fleeting and unfulfilling. The stakes are much higher, however, for the person who professes there is no God - if they turn out to be wrong. For then, they have to give account for their actions, and face an eternity of torture and pain that we have no comprehension of.
Jesus was one of three things: Liar, Lunatic, or Lord. However, we know from extra-biblical sources that all of the 12 diciples except John died extremely painful deaths for their beliefs. Many had to watch their families killed before them first. Yet, none of them took back their testimonies or changed their convictions. I, as a Christian, don't know if I could do that today. It would be very tempting to temporarily deny my beliefs in order to spare my wife's life. Perhaps I'm simply to young in my faith. Would the disciples go through so much for a Liar, a Lunatic, or there Lord?
The Jewish faith also believes in a saving Messiah. In Jesus' time, most Jews didn't accept Him as their savior because they were expecting a military leader who would topple the Roman Empire. Most Jews today, howver, seem to have lost touch with their faith - and are only Jews by their cultural identity. I don't know of any Jews who sacrifice animals for their sin, or keep other such laws, in today's world. In fact, many Jews no longer believe in God - or at least in the God of their ancestors, and seem to have given up hope that a Messiah is coming.
If he were to come today, however, would they still expect a military leader? Who would they be freed from? Today, Israel is the most powerful nation in the Middle East. And in fact, it was Jesus who toppled the Roman Empire in the 4th century when Constantine converted to Christianity. Perhaps the Jews missed the messiah?
But of course, all of this is meaningless. No one can be persuaded by words alone, and no one can be 100% sure of what awaits us, or if there is a God. You cannot make an intellectual decision on this matter. You cannot use your arrogance to convince yourself you are the one person who has it all figured out. You have to be willing to say, I could be wrong, and they could be right. The Bible tells us, eventually, every knee will bow before God and confess that He is Lord? If you do not beieve this, and turn out to be wrong, are you ready to here what He will say after you bow and confess He is Lord? For some, it will be, "Well done, good and faithful servant." For others, it will be, "I never knew you."
One more set of thoughts. Jesus ministry lasted only three years. Can you think of anyone else who has so greatly impacted our world in only three years? That is an amazing return on investment. I could work my whole life to make an impact on this world and not reach one person. Would his impact be so great, for such a little amount of investment, for no reason? Also, when examining this area, let us look at who Jesus says he is. He says He and His father are one: that He is God. Mohammed, Confuscious, Buddha, etc. never claimed to be God - only messengers of God. Jesus defeated death, and is alive today. The founders of other religions died, and remain dead. So... I think Jesus makes some unique claims about himself and his authority, and to me, I believe his is the Savior, and that I will spend eternity with him in Paradise. But that's just me, you have to decide for yourself...

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 Message 46 by crashfrog, posted 04-18-2003 9:59 PM sagg has not replied
 Message 53 by drummachine, posted 04-25-2003 8:00 PM sagg has not replied
 Message 63 by Kapyong, posted 05-22-2003 7:34 AM sagg has not replied

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