Is there a problem with our DNS - I seem to be logging in to Terry's board?

One of the difficulties with internet forums is that we don't get the rich interpersonal feedback which is so important in moderating our conversation. A clumsy phrase can elicit a withering response, or cause offence. What to one person is little more than banter is another's gross affront.
As an example, when I read the following from Booboocruise ...
If evolution is true, then what did the first cell capable of sexual reproduction reproduce with.
... I was tempted to say that he had given clear indication of being in a better position than most to comment on solitary sexual practices. I restrained myself (temporarily)
Actually, collecting examples doesn't help too much, because the degree of rudeness (or sass quotient) is so dependent on context, culture and the indivduals involved.
Most issues can be dealt with by the "offended" party calmly pointing out the issue without compounding it.
[This message has been edited by Mister Pamboli, 04-14-2003]