The point for the evolutionist, progressive creationist or theistic evolutionist is that I HAVE NOT as of yet shown categorically that Richard Lewontin's involution of devolved evolution IS NOT a couple differential equation AMONG organisms and environments and it seems that until I do just this I will still be out a job, but that does not mean that Job and me do not have points.
If anything you have seen me type is correct it will most likley mostly if not only go to show that Olby's concept of Mendel and that Mendel WAS NOT a "mendelian" is true and that both the excess evolutionary theorizing in genetics as well as the failure to genetically realize Mendel's combined developmental and hybrid series math was in error and my guess the reason that deductive biogeography does not exist in the call of the wild Croizat no matter the relation of Panbiogeography and Catholicism.
The conceptual advance I am trying to marshall was already put in writing when I was a student at Cornell and attempts to extend Cantor's notion of "abstraction" into terms of molecular embryology but that goal does not guarentee a priori that I will be able to establish a biological research program in antithesis to the reasons that Harvard hired Lewontin or specifically specify how to obtain the cardinality when not the ordinality of the differential equations LIKELY to be invloved.
I have understood the Pope to have asked if the current math of biology does indeed "run counter" to the physics and chemistry of the same and for ANYTHING i write to be clearer and clear I will need to USE Betrand Russel's seperation of cardinals and ordinals perhaps with Wolfram's work on a new kind of science in topobiologies' assertion of evolution and not development in the developmental Olby Mendel binomial transfinitely WITHOUT the philosophy of Liebniz that Cantor resorted to in explication against claim of pantheism.
It is clear to me that Phillp Johnson IS correct about a change occurring which I had rejected previously but I came to this knoweldge not from Biblical Creationism but from reading and thinking of any physical means by which organisms can chage FORMS. Tansfinites are about a math dependent on the forms of things and I have not looked at the use of logic to have MATHMATICAL STRUctures that add ordertypes cardinals and ordinals into arthemetic that would have to be operative during meosis coherently but I KNOW that Simon Levin who is more postive than WIll Provine about all use of math in biology was unwilling to do this with me BECAUSE IT WAS TOO philosophical and yet the philsophy of Richard Boyd was not realisitically up to this task without his functionary attacking my very person when it was the inheritance I was after.