Your response dealt with the traditions of "ancient Jews".
Bloody hell!
My comment was about Jesus. The response was that this was not correct-- the
ancient Jews did not trace descent through the mother. See for yourself...
John: He almost certainly would have been Jewish by descent, at least through Mary, and that would have made him officially Jewish by Jewish law.
Actually, this is not correct.
Ancient Jews did not trace descent thrugh the mother - this is a modern idea - the human egg was only discovered in the 19th century.
This exchange sets the timeline. Your conception of what is and isn't 'ancient' is irrelevant.
So, what is your evidence for matrilinear descent?
Did you miss that we are talking about circa 1 AD, plus or minus? See, the funny thing is that we both agree that the tradition of matrilineal descent was in effect at the time of Christ.
Derives or justifies?
Read carefully.
The Talmud derives the practice from Deut. 7:4, for what that is worth. It could be a justification for the practice or it could be a reflection of older tradition.
I noticed that you chose not to address either of my references
Yes, the ones that place the origin of the tradition of matrilineal descent well before the time of Christ-- which, may I remind you, is the time in question. See above. In other words, I didn't comment on your references because I have no reason to comment. Nothing I have said is contradicted by said references.
relying instead on hints and 2nd century CE apologetics.
Relying? No, just pointing them out. What I am relying on is that matrilineal descent was practiced by the Jews around the time of Christ. Do you have an objection to that?
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[This message has been edited by John, 07-05-2003]