Look at the account of Jesus Christ. He laid down His life and suffered more than all mankind for the sake of mankind.
You think so? I have heard an interesting suggestion that Judas suffered more than Jesus. Let's face it he played an essential part in God's redemptive plan, and suffers the eternal torments of the damned for his role, whereas Jesus had merely a few hours on the cross - a suffering he shared with thieves and any number of other Roman criminals. Moreover, being blessed with the perfect knowledge of a divine being, he knew it would not last forever.
There has to be a lot more to our redemption than a measure of suffering.
Why is there death and suffering in the world? Because a perfect world has been corrupted by man's choice of sin.
Yeh sure it's all our fault and your God is blameless. Why did death enter the world? Because two people stole an apple knowing it was wrong? No second chances, no indication of how serious the consequences were, no justice, no mercy, no forgiveness.
Edited to be a
little less in your face.
[This message has been edited by Mister Pamboli, 04-26-2003]