Lam writes:
I have no doubt that we will very soon see several hundred pounds of sugar and M&M in this thread. Be warned!
I am diabetic, so I can't handle much sugar! The angle that I wish to ask is this:
Why are you here? I don't mean here on earth. I mean here in this thread. What is it that compels you to spend the amount of time that you spend typing comments, answering posts, making new posts and hanging out?
1) If it is the social relationships online with the rest of us in here, what is it that makes any of us "good" enough to warrent your time spent with us? Did this charming character that we have come in our evolutionary package? If you say that humans instinctively have social instincts, why is it that school is not enough? Or work? Or church? What is the attraction that this EvC website has?
My point? That humans were created in the image of God and that God draws all people unto Himself...and that the fact that we see goodness in each other can be attributed to our original source.
Do you believe in another origin? Tell us how our goodness evolved.