PaulK, I am not interested in answering questions you pose unless it's a genuine question where you are interested in learning something you may not know.
You won't be interested in this, either, Rand, but I going to indulge my inclination to diagnostics anyway. Besides, I know that a thread about Randman suits you just fine.
The above quote typifies one of your major problems in a nutshell: the positions you take on scientific issues are dictated by your cultural and sociopolitical beliefs. Thus, all your posts are essentially propagandistic--yet you cry "Bad faith!" or "Liberal bias!" at those whose political and sociocultural stands are grounded in evidence-supported propositions.
You claim to desire authentic dialogue, but refuse to give honest replies to direct queries for two reasons: one, the reply may catch you out in one of the contradictions inherent to propaganda, and, two, because you believe that all who disagree with you are also propagandists, so that such queries must be rhetorical traps like yours.
Thus, your paranoia of science (and scientists) is so extreme you gravitate to the lunatic fringe: the less evidence that exists for an outsider proposition, the more likely you find it to be true. An autopsy of your past exchanges on this forum would show that, time and time again, you avoided substantive replies. It would also show that, just as frequently, others answered your questions forthrightly and were prepared to defend their replies. The difference speaks volumes.
This paranoia is consistent with the megalomania that prompts you to believe that your lay fancies possess greater credibility than the well-evidenced views of professional scientists: the only exchange you truly consider productive is one where the untutored (and thus untainted) Genius of Randman corrects the delusions of others. Your arrogance is pathologically divorced from reality.
The Koreans have a folk saying: "A burglar cannot sleep soundly in his own house."
Edited by Omnivorous, : tpyo
Edited by Omnivorous, : again
Drinking when we are not thirsty and making love at any time, madam, is all that distinguishes us from the other animals.
-Pierre De Beaumarchais (1732-1799)
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