I started this reply on
Message 27 but moved here to be more on topic

How about {if\when} a topic is moved to the {{showcase}} forum that all participants in that thread are given automatic permission to participate in that {{showcase thread}}, then all admin needs to do is monitor to see if anyone needs to be restricted from it (for whatever reason the admin thinks appropriate according to current protocols)?
This would seem to (1) make the moved threads as accessable as before and (2) not impose additional load on admins.
This also opens up the possiblitiy of any topic being moved to {{showcase}} -- consider ones with a sudden burst of off-topic posts: move to {showcase} and restrict anyone who continues {off-topic} from further participation on the thread, when it "cools-down" it can be returned where it was until the next "burst"?
What would be really cool would be a marker put on all off-topic posts like the {message mood} indicators (a big red X?) and then have these stripped out when it is moved to {{showcase}} along with the authors (the old version would have them but be closed, so no lost information).
Thus the
Lucy - fact or fraud? could have been {{showcased}} to stop the off-topic posts, and still allow discussion by those staying on topic with eventual return to
Human Origins and Evolution after a cool-down period.
Of course this may mean a major expansion of the {{showcase}} forum, possibly to a mirror of the other forums? (forum polyploidy?)
I know you have nothing else better to do eh?

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