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Author Topic:   Showcase Forum Issues and Requests
Member (Idle past 4445 days)
Posts: 3221
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Message 51 of 302 (318234)
06-06-2006 8:44 AM
Reply to: Message 46 by Wounded King
06-05-2006 10:15 AM

Re: For Ray and Admin: Clarification of My Position on "Showcase" Topics
That some people are incapable of rational debate?
That they will issue apologies but revert to type in about 4 posts?
That some people due to whatever reason (mental illness in quite a few cases) are beyond help in a talk board forum?
That some people's concept of reality is so far removed from the rest of us it's actually impossible for them to debate in any coherent manner and all we do is provide a venue for people to point and laugh?
That what I remember learning.

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 Message 46 by Wounded King, posted 06-05-2006 10:15 AM Wounded King has not replied

Member (Idle past 4445 days)
Posts: 3221
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Message 52 of 302 (318237)
06-06-2006 8:51 AM
Reply to: Message 50 by arachnophilia
06-06-2006 8:30 AM

Re: For Ray and Admin: Clarification of My Position on "Showcase" Topics
i think the lesson was, primarily, that isolation of the people we deem nutjobs is bad for everyone. while this is a more voluntary forum, and people are not restricted to it, it's basically the same idea in a milder form and with a nicer name. there is a high degree of overlap between "those with exceptionally wild ideas" and "those who continually fail to abide by forum rules." so the population with likely be the same people.
it sounds a lot like an effective way to limit competition -- and thus debate as well. and this is a debate board. jar words it a little more harshly, but if we put everyone that we disagree with, or everyone with ideas we think are crazy into their own little area, then we are we are showing our own bias in extreme. it's a simple fact of debate -- often one position is very, very wrong.
Let me be really blunt about this and I might violate the boards guidelines by doing so. As far as I can reason and from comment from people who know what they are on about some of the people we had in bootcamp were quite clearly mentally ill, it is therefore an impossible task to try and have some form of civil debate with such people in this type of set-up. We can call it, boot camp, showcase whatever - it's not happening.
I *think* I understand what Percy is trying to do and what the underlying assumption is - that if you talk and reason with people enough they will be able to model "normal" behaviour. It's just not going to happen - it's not.

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 Message 53 by arachnophilia, posted 06-06-2006 8:59 AM CK has not replied
 Message 54 by Admin, posted 06-06-2006 9:14 AM CK has not replied

Member (Idle past 4445 days)
Posts: 3221
Joined: 07-04-2004

Message 59 of 302 (318261)
06-06-2006 10:15 AM
Reply to: Message 57 by Admin
06-06-2006 9:38 AM

Re: For Ray and Admin: Clarification of My Position on "Showcase" Topics
Admin writes:
Once dBoard 3.0 is up and running smoothly I intend to donate a board to the creationists. They can pick the domain name and configure everything and run things as they like.
That seems an excellent idea - there should be a space here somewhere where they can dicuss freely their ideas without constant distraction by us blockheads, it can even be a place where they can preach!

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 Message 57 by Admin, posted 06-06-2006 9:38 AM Admin has not replied

Member (Idle past 4445 days)
Posts: 3221
Joined: 07-04-2004

Message 68 of 302 (319005)
06-08-2006 8:03 AM

emerging issues with showcase format
OK as a reader, it seems to me that there are a number of issues emerging with showcase from the two threads I have read - (I haven't read JAD's thread).
The problem with both threads is that there seems to be no debate at all. Instead both threads start with statements, then the rest of the posts seem to consist of the original poster either not answering questions or just insulting the people who are trying to engage in debate. Anything approaching a difficult question is hand waved away with either "atheist bias" or "you are uneducated". The nearest we get to a constructive dialogue is other creationists turning up and saying "rah rah you are sooooo right! preach on!!".
Who are they going to debate once the limited number of people who has some interested in joining a debate with those people get bored of the total non-response? Hell it's not even interesting to read!
Edited by CK, : No reason given.

Replies to this message:
 Message 69 by NosyNed, posted 06-08-2006 11:14 AM CK has not replied
 Message 70 by rgb, posted 06-08-2006 11:18 AM CK has not replied
 Message 71 by Quetzal, posted 06-08-2006 11:26 AM CK has not replied
 Message 72 by Wounded King, posted 06-08-2006 11:28 AM CK has not replied

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Posts: 3221
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Message 86 of 302 (320024)
06-10-2006 4:04 PM
Reply to: Message 84 by Admin
06-10-2006 6:51 AM

Clarification about access to Showcase forum?
I thought the concept of the showcase was that it was very limited and that members would require access?
So what's this?
http://EvC Forum: The Great Pyramid and the Bible (modern pyramidology) -->EvC Forum: The Great Pyramid and the Bible (modern pyramidology)
Is it sensible to co-op members for the showcase? In particular posters with no history (and therefore no understanding or concept of how that zoo is suppose to work?)?
What happens if Ray doesn't like debating with the poster? Do they get kicked off their own thread?

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 Message 84 by Admin, posted 06-10-2006 6:51 AM Admin has not replied

Member (Idle past 4445 days)
Posts: 3221
Joined: 07-04-2004

Message 148 of 302 (330472)
07-10-2006 3:07 PM

Big Brother Showcase house
Am I the only one still reading the showcase?
Is it just me who thinks it's awfully like Big Brother? You start off with many members and end up with just a few who all turn on each other in a frenzy of abuse.

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 Message 149 by Dan Carroll, posted 07-10-2006 3:13 PM CK has not replied
 Message 150 by Omnivorous, posted 07-10-2006 3:17 PM CK has not replied

Member (Idle past 4445 days)
Posts: 3221
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Message 152 of 302 (330564)
07-10-2006 5:59 PM
Reply to: Message 151 by crashfrog
07-10-2006 5:52 PM

Re: Big Brother Showcase house
What's just delicious about all that is how it developed. If you look at the start of JADs thread, you have Herpton and a couple of other fundamentalists turning up and saying
"oh you are soooo right Prof! You've sure got that dirty evos on the run!"
because as normal, they will leap on *any* passing idea that says evolution is wrong. However as the thread progresses and he's not willing to fall into line with a concept of a personal god, they go on the attack. wonderful stuff.

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 Message 151 by crashfrog, posted 07-10-2006 5:52 PM crashfrog has not replied

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 Message 153 by iano, posted 07-11-2006 6:43 AM CK has not replied

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Posts: 3221
Joined: 07-04-2004

Message 170 of 302 (338673)
08-09-2006 6:34 AM
Reply to: Message 169 by Cold Foreign Object
08-08-2006 1:55 PM

I'm lurking at the moment but couldn't let this one pass.
What on earth is the point of a peanut gallery*, the top three threads in that forum are:
1) Racist Darwin - last post: 7 days ago
2) Creationist theory - last post: 21 days ago
3) [Sic]Transubspeciation - last post 24 days ago
Maybe you should concentrate on debating the people who join you there in such a way they don't just give up and leave you to it?
* Well of course the answer to that is obvious, it's an end run around your ban in the main forums, like your attempts to debate in the book nook.
Edited by CK, : fixed broken formating code

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 Message 169 by Cold Foreign Object, posted 08-08-2006 1:55 PM Cold Foreign Object has replied

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 Message 171 by Iname, posted 08-09-2006 5:59 PM CK has replied
 Message 174 by Cold Foreign Object, posted 08-10-2006 1:52 PM CK has replied

Member (Idle past 4445 days)
Posts: 3221
Joined: 07-04-2004

Message 172 of 302 (338870)
08-10-2006 3:55 AM
Reply to: Message 171 by Iname
08-09-2006 5:59 PM

doh! that's what I get for posting before coffee!
what's the phrase that the kids use those days
(that's right,no?)

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 Message 171 by Iname, posted 08-09-2006 5:59 PM Iname has replied

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 Message 173 by Iname, posted 08-10-2006 12:04 PM CK has not replied

Member (Idle past 4445 days)
Posts: 3221
Joined: 07-04-2004

Message 176 of 302 (338982)
08-10-2006 2:22 PM
Reply to: Message 174 by Cold Foreign Object
08-10-2006 1:52 PM

I think the Showcase, however we dress it up, is just a rather cruel and shameful place for mentally ill people to be placed for the rest of the board to point and laugh. I've seen nothing so far to show me that's not the case. Some of the best posters on the board have been in there and it's pretty shameful stuff - it's like letting a university Prof. visit an asylum and then we all cheer when he out debates a man who's not mentally capable of producing a rational response. I'm increasingly baffled why such a state of affairs is allowed to go on - I suspect the low posting rate allows it to float under the radar of many people.
To be blunt I don't think you should be allow into the main boards for your own protection - it just would just feed into your psychosis.
Edited by CK, : No reason given.

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 Message 174 by Cold Foreign Object, posted 08-10-2006 1:52 PM Cold Foreign Object has replied

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 Message 179 by randman, posted 08-10-2006 4:11 PM CK has replied
 Message 181 by Cold Foreign Object, posted 08-11-2006 2:14 PM CK has not replied
 Message 182 by Cold Foreign Object, posted 08-11-2006 2:17 PM CK has not replied

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Posts: 3221
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Message 180 of 302 (339006)
08-10-2006 4:19 PM
Reply to: Message 179 by randman
08-10-2006 4:11 PM

Re: JAD faced almost no opposition
Well if you say so - the thread is there so people can go check and decide for themselves.
Edited by CK, : added link.

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 Message 179 by randman, posted 08-10-2006 4:11 PM randman has not replied

Member (Idle past 4445 days)
Posts: 3221
Joined: 07-04-2004

Message 185 of 302 (340998)
08-18-2006 5:22 AM
Reply to: Message 184 by Wounded King
08-18-2006 5:09 AM

Re: This is the strangest forum I have participated in.
Where is Randman banished to the showcase? I don't see any announcement?
How is his behaviour significantly different or even worse than Faith (who's argument in the science forums consists of "it does not say that in the bible therefore it's wrong" over and over again?
I think he should stay in the general population rather than move to the sectioned forum.
Edited by CK, : No reason given.

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 Message 184 by Wounded King, posted 08-18-2006 5:09 AM Wounded King has replied

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 Message 186 by Wounded King, posted 08-18-2006 5:49 AM CK has replied

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Message 187 of 302 (341004)
08-18-2006 5:54 AM
Reply to: Message 186 by Wounded King
08-18-2006 5:49 AM

Re: This is the strangest forum I have participated in.
Is there a secondary intention there - to try and generate some interest in the showcase forum ? I can see Randman attracting a number of opponents.
Hopefully the dust in that forum will not get in Randman's eyes.

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 Message 186 by Wounded King, posted 08-18-2006 5:49 AM Wounded King has not replied

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