Your post, while interesting, is really only marginally related to this thread. I'll try to answer briefly, but if you want to discuss it further then I'll move it over into a new thread.
The difference between the science side and the theology side is not so much the content as one of methodology. In the forums on the science side posters are expected to support there assertions with evidence, not ful scientific rigor evidence, but something more than "The Bible Says..."
On the Theological or Faith side a different standard of evidence is allowed. There, a simple statement of belief is accorded greater weight than it would on the science side.
If you look, you will find there are some parallels between forums in the two sections. Bible Accuracy & Innerancy on the science side looks at the Bible from an external evidentiary perspective while Bible Study on the Faith side looks at it in terms of internal content.
The layout is not, of course, perfect. It has changed and evolved over time, and likely will continue to do so.