Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sure Schraf and the rest of us weren't aware that in the Coffeehouse, the rule was that you could just make up your own facts.
What you call "pedantry", the rest of us call "not being wrong." Maybe you should consider how mature it appears that every time you're corrected on even the most basic point, you through a huge bitch-fit about how unreasonable it is for the rest of us to expect you to be largely correct on the facts.
Apparently you think it's ok to be wrong on the details if you get the bigger picture correct. I would have thought that after two years of embarassing debate failures on your part here at EvC, you would have realized that doesn't seem to be working. It's
because you see being accurate as "pedantic" that you're almost always wrong about everything else. How can you derive a correct view from incorrect facts?