I will agree that most atheists are pretty reasonable, ok no prejudice here, now on with it.
Damn straight.
Why should they believe? Well the bible clearly states, that it is faith that gets you your evidence.
Which is viciously circular.
I am going to make the claim that atheism is a belief, and here is why.
Hopefully because it is, by definition, a belief.
You have a thought, you express the thought, someone can choose to believe it or not.
I disagree.
Take the holocaust for example. I'd rather not believe that such a horrible thing occured. I never decided to believe in the holocaust.
We went over that in the previous thread. Some atheists take some things on faith, without evidence, or checking on the evidence.
Now the thought is God. You can choose to believe it or not.
Nope. I'd rather believe in God than not. (especially if one existed)
You can look for evidence, and you may find none.
You may find only subjective evidence.
I haven't.
But either way, you have chosen not to believe in God.
This does not mean there is no God. We are only unable to prove His existence objectively.
So you have chosen to believe there is no God. You cannot prove that there is no God, so it is a belief. A belief backed by lack of empirical evidence, fine.
I think you're trying to say it's a positive belief? Atheism isn't necessarily antitheism, most atheists simply lack a belief.
In any case, a lack of belief for something without evidence is pretty healthy, IMO. If people believed in all sorts of fictional creatures without any evidence, they might do scary things.
Let's reverse roles. You are trying to convince me that there is no God.
No I'm not, and neither are most atheists I know.
I say to you prove it. You can't.
Unfortunately for your argument, "God" can be replaced with any fictional character of your liking.
The only way you could be a true atheist, is if you have never heard the word God, and you have no inner feeling that there is one. The thought has never crossed your mind.
The only way you can be a (true? as opposed to false?) atheist is if you don't believe in God.
I hate it when an atheist tries to portray himself as someone like that, when it is just not the case.
You've met atheists who have never heard of God? I would fall under the category of the atheist who has no "inner feeling" nestled deep within my bosom that any gods exist.
There is more to the thought, it goes on to the mathematical possibility of God, but I guess I should stop it here.
Oh, I'm sure that would be rich.