Why should they believe? Well the bible clearly states, that it is faith that gets you your evidence.
Ok let us argue this on grounds that are hopefully pertainent.
The terrorists that flew into the world trade center had faith in God did they not? The faith they had was sufficient enough for them to overcome the instinct to self-preservation.
Now if
faith in something is what gets you your evidence then the terrorists can be seen as a stunning example of the depth to which faith can drive a person's actions. Of course,we know that they had the wrong kind of faith because the book they read from is not the right one eh? We all know that no one who has read the bible has ever commited such atrocities.
So it seems that you have withheld some crucial point that differentiates the bible from other texts and the establishment of what faith is.
However, there is a huge difficulty that arrives on our doorstep if this is the case. If you have some means of differentiation then this must be
evidence of some sort and bringing in evidence for the differentiation would be contradictory to the requirement of faith that is the central tenet of your claim.
Perhaps you need to clarify what you consider faith to be?