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Author Topic:   Atheism is a belief (Why Atheists don't believe part 2)
Member (Idle past 184 days)
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From: Columbia Missouri
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Message 84 of 302 (315338)
05-26-2006 12:01 PM
Reply to: Message 11 by iano
05-24-2006 9:20 AM

Do yo know what "Objective" means?
Fortunately, God is reasonable (naturally enough, being the one that invented reason). He doesn't expect you to believe what you have no objective evidence for. If you come to believe it will be through firstly, objective evidence about yourself and your need for what he offers and secondly, objective evidence about him. Objective enough to convince you - if not everyone else.
God deals with people one to one: close up and personal. He has all the time in the world to do so - as have we.
Perhaps he does, perhaps he doesn't. Perhaps you are delusional or perhaps I am.
If you can't show ME your proof of God's existence in a way that I can understand, then it isn't (by definition) objective is it?
To be objective, the proof (and therefore God) has to actually exist so if it(He) does so then you should have no problem showing it (Him) to me. It (He) may well exist to you but I can't see it(Him) so that makes the whole thing Subjective.

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Member (Idle past 184 days)
Posts: 714
From: Columbia Missouri
Joined: 11-11-2004

Message 85 of 302 (315359)
05-26-2006 12:32 PM
Reply to: Message 1 by riVeRraT
05-23-2006 7:37 PM

Nobody understands us poor atheists
Hi Rat
From what I can tell there are just as many different types of Atheism as there are types of theism.
The word Atheist simply means someone who is not a theist. In other words, someone who lacks a belief in God or Gods.
here is my own personal take on some of the things that you wrote in the OP
Now the thought is God. You can choose to believe it or not. You can look for evidence, and you may find none. You may find only subjective evidence. But either way, you have chosen not to believe in God.
This does not mean there is no God. We are only unable to prove His existence objectively.
of course it doesn't. Why would I think it did?
So you have chosen to believe there is no God. You cannot prove that there is no God, so it is a belief. A belief backed by lack of empirical evidence, fine.
No I haven't chosen any such thing.
I have no belief that there IS NO God, any more than I have a belief that ther IS a God. When it comes to God, I have zero belief in either his existence or non-existence. Zip, Nada, None.
I am SO utterly indiferent as to whether he exists or not that the only time I even give it a passing thought is when somebody tries to tell me what I believe or don't believe.
Let's reverse roles. You are trying to convince me that there is no God. I say to you prove it. You can't.
And neither would I want to. like I said that isn't what I believe. Frankly I really don't care either way.
Does that make me Agnostic?
No I don't think so since Agnosticism accepts that maybe there is a God and sits on the fence.
I look at the evidence, find absolutely none and dismiss the entire question as utterly irrelevent while I move on to something that actually matters to me.
The only way you could be a true atheist, is if you have never heard the word God, and you have no inner feeling that there is one. The thought has never crossed your mind.
Sure I have heard of God. I have also heard of Odin, Zeus, Marduk and the tooth fairy. I give all of them about equal credibility. Maybe they all exist. Who knows for sure? Then again maybe they don't.
Either way I have no beliefs regarding any of them. I do not actively believe in the absense of the tooth fairy since I know it is impossible to prove her(his) non-existence so it would be illogical to believe that.
I do, however, think it would be highly unlikely that he/she does exist based on the utter non-existence of positive evidence.
I have the exact same level of non-belief for God, Loki, Vishnu, Apollo and all the other Gods whom men have always claimed to exist.
I hate it when an atheist tries to portray himself as someone like that, when it is just not the case.
I can't believe you would be able to hate anything about lovable little me.

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Member (Idle past 184 days)
Posts: 714
From: Columbia Missouri
Joined: 11-11-2004

Message 86 of 302 (315371)
05-26-2006 12:46 PM
Reply to: Message 14 by iano
05-24-2006 10:01 AM

Re: Eyes wide shut
One aspect of objective evidence is that it must be apparant to all observers. But if the biblical position poses that we are all blind then observe we patently all cannot.
Is red not objectively red just because a blind man cannot see red?
Red is catagorically a subjective term for the exact reason that you just gave.
Red is imprecise and inaccurate as a descriptive term for an exact wavelength of light.
Some peole are color blind. To them what you call Red is actually Green. I doubt that the exact frequency of light that you would deam to be a specific shade of Red, would be the same for any other living person.
I often have disagreements with others in my household about whether something is blue or green. When something is a bluey green color, I always see primarily green where others see mainly blue.
However if I were to say to you that an object emits (or reflects) light that is primarily of a wavelength equal to 680nm then that is an objective statement. You can measure it even if you are blind, given the right instruments.
RED is most definitely 100% subjective. Bad analogy.

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Member (Idle past 184 days)
Posts: 714
From: Columbia Missouri
Joined: 11-11-2004

Message 88 of 302 (315385)
05-26-2006 1:00 PM
Reply to: Message 27 by iano
05-24-2006 6:38 PM

Re: On 'isms' and redness
Point being. If you can see red it is because the wavelengths of red have burnt themselves into your brain. You came, you saw, you burnt.
Can't argue with that.
The point is that your "redness" might be 680nm while somebody elses "redness" is 660nm
Then for somebody who is colorblind it might even be 530nm (green)
And if you are blind then who knows what the concept of "redness" might be
However you cut it, "redness" is a subjective term.

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 Message 27 by iano, posted 05-24-2006 6:38 PM iano has not replied

Member (Idle past 184 days)
Posts: 714
From: Columbia Missouri
Joined: 11-11-2004

Message 89 of 302 (315395)
05-26-2006 1:12 PM
Reply to: Message 34 by iano
05-24-2006 7:02 PM

Re: On 'isms' and redness
You fit the definition of an atheist as I understand it. A believer in something other than God
Then your understanding of the term is wrong.
Nothing about the word "Atheist" defines a belief in anything.
By common usage, the letter "A" in front of a word means the absense of the thing defined by that word.
"A"sexual: The absense of any sexual features
"A"theistic: The absense of any theistic features
And since "Theism" is defined as a belief system in God or Gods then "A"theism is nothing more or less than a complete absense of a belief in God or Gods
Why do you insist on reading more into it?
Technically a rock is atheistic. It has no belief in God or Gods. It also has no beliefs in anything else but that remains utterly irrelevent just as it does in an atheistic person.
The term atheist or atheism is totally "God(s)"-centric. Its meaning does not take one single step beyond anything that is related to God(s)
Beliefs in other things, while possibly present, are completely besides the point and are not implicitely defined in the term atheist.

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 Message 92 by SuperNintendo Chalmers, posted 05-26-2006 1:39 PM PurpleYouko has not replied
 Message 95 by Minnemooseus, posted 05-26-2006 2:36 PM PurpleYouko has not replied

Member (Idle past 184 days)
Posts: 714
From: Columbia Missouri
Joined: 11-11-2004

Message 90 of 302 (315403)
05-26-2006 1:22 PM
Reply to: Message 51 by kongstad
05-25-2006 1:52 AM

Not helping at all here.
You are SOOO not helping my argument here
I spent many hours of my time (over most of the last year) trying to convince Iano of my position and along comes another atheist with a completely different take on the situation and scores an own goal.
Ah well, it just goes to show that even atheism is completely subjective. We all view it differently.

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 Message 51 by kongstad, posted 05-25-2006 1:52 AM kongstad has not replied

Member (Idle past 184 days)
Posts: 714
From: Columbia Missouri
Joined: 11-11-2004

Message 94 of 302 (315425)
05-26-2006 2:02 PM
Reply to: Message 87 by iano
05-26-2006 12:59 PM

Re: Do yo know what "Objective" means?
Perhaps by your scientifiky definition. But who says that has overriding say in anything?
Well that's a relatively easy one coming from you Iano.
The actual definition of the word subjective is pretty well understood. It seems that you are trying to use it in a completely inappropriate way. If you want something to be classified as objective then the first thing you have to do is to show that it exists. That is right there in the dictionary definition or is it that dictionaries are too "scientifiky" for you?
To show that it exists, you have to, guess what... That's right prove it
Again not really a problem.
Even a blind person can feel the sun on his face and can feel it gradually diminishing as night time sets in.
He can hear the crickets start to chirp in the darkness and the croaking of the frogs and the myriad other nigh time sounds. He hears and feels this in a 24 hour cycle so he easily recognizes the pattern and wonders about it.
Then he can read all the hundreds of thousands of brail books that describe the physics of the solar system and the way the earth spins on its axis.
It is pitifully easy to prove the sunset to a blind man. Blind does not mean stupid.
Now if you were to ask me to prove it to a deaf, dumb, blind man in a lifelong coma then it might be a different proposition. But then it is arguable whether anything at all exists for this poor guy. He wouldn't even have a framework to form dreams..... or would he
They need to trust others when they are told they are blind. They don't have to of course. They can say that unless they get proof in a way that meets their 'in blindness' definition of proof then they will not believe it
All you could do to such a person is to point out the quite objective evidence that they can quite easily see (or hear or feel with finger tips etc). After your obligation has been met and the objective evidence has been presented that person can believe whatever they like. I always feel this way when discussing YEC.
Anyway. I never said I could prove God
Then you don't have objective evidence. Period.
I was just saying that he was objective in the sense that any observer capable of seeing him will see him. I can point you in the direction of him at best.
Oh! I see now! You meant objective in the sense that Ozzie meant it when he wrote the song "Fairies wear boots"
Darn it!! And for all these years I thought he was making it all up. Thanks for showing me how wrong i was

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 Message 108 by iano, posted 05-27-2006 12:57 PM PurpleYouko has not replied

Member (Idle past 184 days)
Posts: 714
From: Columbia Missouri
Joined: 11-11-2004

Message 174 of 302 (315997)
05-29-2006 1:02 PM
Reply to: Message 168 by iano
05-29-2006 12:22 PM

Re: Intellectual Objection? Overuled - perhaps...
In order for there to be an objective reality you must:
- have sensors to observe the reality.
- trust that you are correctly interpreting the data fed to you by the sensors.
That latter is faith based. You didn't do anything to get that faith - you were born with it just as you were with the sensors to detect the objective reality fed to that faith.
I long since accepted that nothing can be really objective in this universe.
None of us can be 100% certain about anything. Objective truth is an ideal that can never be reached.
Guess what. It doesn't matter!
The universe appears to be very consistent in the way it works. It behaves in a way that can be understood and predicted and yes, "explained" to others in a way that they too can understand. That is if those others even exist outside of my own brain.
If you are born again you will be given sensors to collect the data and will be given the faith to trust that which the sensors input to your brain.
Funny you should say that. I think of myself in exactly the same way. A "Born Again Scientist". Like Shraf, I lived almost half of my life as a Christian but my need to explore the way the universe works very quickly became at odds with my "faith".
I soon developed new sensors too. I like to call them "bullshit detectors".
You need faith alright. But you aren't the one who supplies it for any dealing with objective reality. It is given you.
This doesn't even make sense.
The way you portray the whole deal, I have absolutely no choice whatsoever in whether I have this "faith" or not. Even if I wanted it with all my blood pumping muscle it is completely outside of my control.
Beep!! Oh there goes that detector again!

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 Message 180 by iano, posted 05-29-2006 2:42 PM PurpleYouko has not replied

Member (Idle past 184 days)
Posts: 714
From: Columbia Missouri
Joined: 11-11-2004

Message 175 of 302 (316001)
05-29-2006 1:16 PM
Reply to: Message 138 by Phat
05-28-2006 1:31 PM

Re: Ianos persistance pays off?
You DO realize, by the way, that you are quite the absolutist in these arguments.
Lemme play the advocate with you. Who are you to tell me how to live?
add by edit:
Iano writes:
Hell-bound -unless-Christ is what folk are here. Don't lose sight of that in your attempt to hold some kind of middle ground.
In a forum, the middle ground leads to more productive conversations. This is a forum and not a church.
I have to agree with Phat here.
This evangelical preaching and unbending stubbornness of position (about pretty much everything) really pushes me much further away from any kind of faith.
I find myself thinking that I would rather be dead than to be like that. This kind of position is the absolute antithesis of everything that I consider good and worthwhile in the world.
This kind of attitude is just one more line of reasoning that makes me less likely to believe that God exists since I cannot believe that he (if he is real) would condone this kind of behaviour.
Attempting to reach any kind of middle ground of understanding is utterly pointless when your opposite number is utterly unwilling to bend an inch. Far better to just not bother. And with that said, bothering is exactly what I will not do for the remainder of this thread.
My final point here is that as a self confessed (and externally branded) Atheist, I utterly lack any belief whatsoever in the existence or non-existence of God or Gods. I simply don't give a crap whether he/she/it/they exist or not.
Belief simply don't enter into it!

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 Message 138 by Phat, posted 05-28-2006 1:31 PM Phat has not replied

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