Faith writes:
So far I've only seen a few videos, which happen to show a strong positive effect on health and even on cancer from a plant-based diet.
The idea that someone's health can be greatly improved by eating vegetables instead of chips, pop and pizza... has been proven to be vaild beyond the shadow of a doubt for a very, very long time.
I think it was shown to be true 50 years ago? 100? I dunno... how old is pop?
If you're wondering if drinking carrot juice and eating vegetables can improve your health right now... stop wondering. It will improve your health. Start eating vegetables and stop eating all that terrible junk. This is wonderful advice. It was wonderful when your mom told you about it when you were 6, and it's still wonderful now.
What it doesn't do, is cure cancer.
If you have cancer, and you're eating chips, pop and pizza... then your health will still improve if you stop eating that stuff and start eating vegetables.
And it will improve your chances of curing your cancer.
But it will not improve your chances of curing your cancer anywhere close to the treatments of chemo therapy or surgery or whatever else the doctor's think is best based on your specific situation and specific issues.
Want to improve your health at any time? Eat vegetables.
Want to cure cancer at any time? See your doctor.