SO you think the comparision of the publics k-12 exposure to relativity theory and quantum mechanics is commensurate with their exposure to all things evolutionary.
It might be more honest to compare exposure to relativity theory with exposure to evolutionary theory, and to compare exposure to all things evolutionary with exposure to all things relativistic.
Your post is a prime example of distortion, inuendo, half-truths and illogical argument.
Those attributes would better characterise your post. I have just pointed out some of the distortion.
The public from age 3 to 30 is pillaried with evolutionary dogma from every avenue in American life.
Most of the "evolutionary dogma" that they see comes from creationists, and is wrong.
If your argument is Americans are too ingorant and stupid to understand the brilliance of the evolutionary bioloby crowd.. just say it in plain english.
Now what was that you were saying about "distortion, inuendo, half-truths and illogical argument."
Most evolutionary scientists would prefer to spend their time in the lab doing science, where the public would rarely hear from them.