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Author Topic:   The Barbarity of Christianity (as compared to Islam)
Suspended Member (Idle past 1738 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
Joined: 10-06-2001

Message 1 of 299 (285241)
02-09-2006 2:16 PM

Jar wants an opportunity to prove that Christians are just as barbarous as Muslims. Here it is.
I will be happy to compare the barbarity of Christianity and Islam at any time. But there has never been a more intolerant, barbaric movement on earth than Christianity.
This is not the place though to continue this discussion. Simply start a thread on it.
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This message has been edited by Faith, 02-09-2006 02:26 PM
Edited by Faith, : No reason given.

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 Message 2 by AdminPhat, posted 02-09-2006 2:22 PM Faith has replied
 Message 5 by jar, posted 02-10-2006 12:59 PM Faith has not replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 1738 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
Joined: 10-06-2001

Message 3 of 299 (285247)
02-09-2006 2:24 PM
Reply to: Message 2 by AdminPhat
02-09-2006 2:22 PM

Re: Turn the other cheek
That IS turning the other cheek, Phat. I want to give jar an opportunity to say whatever he pleases. I don't really have any interest in it.
Oh, but in keeping with your advice I have reworded it.
ABE: Jar has many times challenged me to start another thread on something he wants the opportunity to answer, whether I am interested in pursuing it or not. This time I simply decided to do it.
This message has been edited by Faith, 02-09-2006 02:30 PM

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 Message 2 by AdminPhat, posted 02-09-2006 2:22 PM AdminPhat has not replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 1738 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
Joined: 10-06-2001

Message 32 of 299 (286285)
02-13-2006 7:42 PM
Reply to: Message 31 by Coragyps
02-13-2006 7:33 PM

Re: I would become all things to all men
Gee, whaddya think about that? You think the devil is gonna just come right out and say "Satan mit uns?" Hardly. His job is to discredit God and put himself in God's place. He sure succeeds in his mission with a lot of people.

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 Message 31 by Coragyps, posted 02-13-2006 7:33 PM Coragyps has not replied

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 Message 33 by DrJones*, posted 02-13-2006 7:46 PM Faith has replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 1738 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
Joined: 10-06-2001

Message 34 of 299 (286315)
02-13-2006 11:04 PM
Reply to: Message 33 by DrJones*
02-13-2006 7:46 PM

Re: I would become all things to all men
I think that if this "God" of yours had any power he'd do something to stop his adversary from posing as him.
Oh he has that power, but as long as people are warped enough not to be able to tell the difference he'd just as soon leave them to their own ways and let them hang themselves. Why would he want worshipers who haven't a choice because they've been shown the truth, but who on their own can't tell the difference between good and evil?
This message has been edited by Faith, 02-13-2006 11:05 PM

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Suspended Member (Idle past 1738 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
Joined: 10-06-2001

Message 48 of 299 (286480)
02-14-2006 12:56 PM
Reply to: Message 46 by truthlover
02-14-2006 12:11 PM

Re: setting the record straight
There is enough information available on the first few centuries for Phillip Schaff to write:
For the first three centuries Christianity was placed in the most unfavorable circumstances, that it might display its moral power, and gain its victory over the world by spiritual weapons alone. Until the reign of Constantine it had not even a legal existence in the Roman empire, but was first ignored as a Jewish sect, then slandered, proscribed, and persecuted, as a treasonable innovation, and the adoption of it made punishable with confiscation and death. Besides, it offered not the slightest favor, as Mohammedanism afterwards did, to the corrupt inclinations of the heart, but against the current ideas of Jews and heathen it so presented its inexorable demand of repentance and conversion, renunciation of self and the world, that more, according to Tertullian, were kept out of the new sect by love of pleasure than by love of life. The Jewish origin of Christianity also, and the poverty and obscurity of a majority of its professors particularly offended the pride of the Greeks, and Romans. Celsus, exaggerating this fact, and ignoring the many exceptions, scoffingly remarked, that "weavers, cobblers, and fullers, the most illiterate persons" preached the "irrational faith," and knew how to commend it especially "to women and children."
But in spite of these extraordinary difficulties Christianity made a progress which furnished striking evidence of its divine origin and adaptation to the deeper wants of man, and was employed as such by Irenaeus, Justin, Tertullian, and other fathers of that day. Nay, the very hindrances became, in the hands of Providence, means of promotion. Persecution led to martyrdom, and martyrdom had not terrors alone, but also attractions, and stimulated the noblest and most unselfish form of ambition. Every genuine martyr was a living proof of the truth and holiness of the Christian religion. Tertullian could exclaim to the heathen: "All your ingenious cruelties can accomplish nothing; they are only a lure to this sect. Our number increases the more you destroy us. The blood of the Christians is their seed." The moral earnestness of the Christians contrasted powerfully with the prevailing corruption of the age, and while it repelled the frivolous and voluptuous, it could not fail to impress most strongly the deepest and noblest minds.
This message has been edited by Faith, 02-14-2006 12:57 PM

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 Message 46 by truthlover, posted 02-14-2006 12:11 PM truthlover has not replied

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 Message 49 by ramoss, posted 02-14-2006 3:45 PM Faith has replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 1738 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
Joined: 10-06-2001

Message 51 of 299 (286602)
02-14-2006 4:25 PM
Reply to: Message 49 by ramoss
02-14-2006 3:45 PM

Re: setting the record straight
It also doesn't address how Christiantiy became later, and how it's exclusive nature allowed for cruelty and barbarity against non-believers.
Perhaps that's because there wasn't any in the early years. That was a medieval phenomenon. In the early years the cruelty and barbarity was from the unconverted Jews against the Jews who followed Christ, and then from the Caesars against the Christians.
That's one chapter in a multi-volume history of Christianity by the way. If you want to know about later Christian history there's plenty more to read.
This message has been edited by Faith, 02-14-2006 04:29 PM

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 Message 49 by ramoss, posted 02-14-2006 3:45 PM ramoss has not replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 1738 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
Joined: 10-06-2001

Message 63 of 299 (288049)
02-18-2006 10:18 AM
Reply to: Message 62 by crashfrog
02-18-2006 10:12 AM

Re: setting the record straight
When Jesus-influenced Christians say "join or die" they are telling you, not what they will do if you don't but what God will do if you don't.
A nonsense distinction, and one that even the Muslims you criticize make. It's rarely the threat of violence through their own initative; it's generally the threat of violence if that is Allah's will, and they do hold out the option that Allah's will be done through the speaker.
Christians DON'T hold out that option.
And its not that God does this to you but that you are already that way and chose to remain your whole life that way and if you die that way then you will enter eternity that way.
Right. It's the same kind of victim-blaming that all abusers rely on. "You make me do this to you." Heard it time and time again.
Amazing how you can blame someone who has done absolutely nothing whatever to you for somehow making you a victim. Like somebody who has been told to avoid falling into a pit but gets too close on a dare anyway and falls in, and then blames it on the person who warned him. Great sense there.

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 Message 62 by crashfrog, posted 02-18-2006 10:12 AM crashfrog has replied

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 Message 64 by crashfrog, posted 02-18-2006 10:27 AM Faith has replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 1738 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
Joined: 10-06-2001

Message 66 of 299 (288061)
02-18-2006 11:04 AM
Reply to: Message 64 by crashfrog
02-18-2006 10:27 AM

Re: setting the record straight
I'm blaming he who made the pit. Why is it you insist on applying mortal standards of culpability to an infinite God, who, by definition, is culpable for everything that ever happens?
You aren't an automaton are you?

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 Message 64 by crashfrog, posted 02-18-2006 10:27 AM crashfrog has replied

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 Message 67 by crashfrog, posted 02-18-2006 12:15 PM Faith has not replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 1738 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
Joined: 10-06-2001

Message 130 of 299 (334953)
07-24-2006 4:57 PM
Reply to: Message 95 by randman
07-24-2006 1:09 PM

Re: misrepresenting me again randman
Jar says the most damning things against traditional fundamentalist Christianity and when you point it out he says you are misrepresenting him. It's all a word game. If he didn't say it exactly precisely as you paraphrased him saying it he'll nag you to death over it, demanding that you retract it. You think it's so obvious you're astonished that he would deny it, so you aren't prepared to go track down his statements. Then you do and they are nitpicked to death anyway. Standard Christian belief he'll call "blasphemy" and then deny that he called Christianity evil. There's nothing you can do about it Randman. Jar has never been suspended for any of his multiple offenses ever that I know of. He is a master at his game. Give it up. Don't fight it. It will only get YOU in trouble.

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 Message 95 by randman, posted 07-24-2006 1:09 PM randman has replied

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 Message 132 by randman, posted 07-24-2006 5:02 PM Faith has not replied

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