Move over, Schraf.
I challenge you to cite one verse in the entire NT that advocates violence by followers of Jesus and his desciples. How many times do I need remind you that the originators of the NT, Jesus and the apostles all advocated suffering rather than reprisal, revenge or any other violence for advancement of the kingdom of God?
Matt 21:12/Mark 11:15 While not advocating violence, actions usually speak louder than words. Hardly non-violence.
Matt. 10:34 While it may be a metaphorical statement, how would fundies understand the difference, let alone the meaning of metaphor?
Luke 22:36 Arming those who weren`t carrying? And the aftermath as a result of carrying a sword? Not anticipated by Jesus?
Matt 8:28-32/Mark 5:1-13/Luke 8:27-33 What is going on here, Buz? Gergesenes? Gadarenes? Two men? One man? All I can read is a pretty violent destruction of someone else`s property on a massive scale. And no compensation paid, either.
I won`t go into the treatment of His mother and family as we don`t know the circumstances of the separation, but Jesus is hardly a role model with the barbs and sneers He directs their way.