The simple fact is Jesus never implored his followers to persecute unbelievers, but Mohammed did and so does mainstream Islam.
in fact during the arab comquest of egypt and the near east the life of many christians and jews vastly improved under islamic rule .. was they where no longer killed as herictics and such by the western chritian church .
as followers of the book OT xians and jews had to pay small tax , and where then free to follow their own creed , this is why there there are pockets of xian in odd places across the arabic world .
as to conflicts due to "spreading the word" do islam and xianity have a history of very agreesive tactics .
islam suffers in that it is the religion of many nation states that are still emerging from the shadow of colonial and empiral pasts , iraq is a artificial state created by the western powers , the whole israel lebenon isssue is fall out from western action / inaction and historic interrferance ... islam in many cases is the only glue that holds the people together as a " nation " when in fact they may be ethnically diverse ...and as is allways the war those who seek power will use any political , religious creed to rally the troops ....
oddly many of the so called arabic fundermentalist islamic clerics are well travelled and have visisted the west as part of the world wide islam community .. the fact that they then reject the values of the west is prehaps worth noting ..
Edited by ikabod, : quote marks