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Author Topic:   On Judging Others
Inactive Member

Message 61 of 121 (341056)
08-18-2006 11:12 AM
Reply to: Message 60 by nator
08-18-2006 10:19 AM

Re: political correctness
Or, as was suggested, the response you got had more to do with the persona you adopt on this board and the reaction it provokes in people than with Political Correctness.
My "persona," whatever that is, is totally irrelevant to the comment about veterans.

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 Message 60 by nator, posted 08-18-2006 10:19 AM nator has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 68 of 121 (341125)
08-18-2006 3:49 PM
Reply to: Message 63 by mitchellmckain
08-18-2006 2:21 PM

Re: minding your own business
The injunction "not to judge others" is largely a Christian one and naturally therefore refers to butting into matters which are properly a concern only between a person and his God and is nobody else's business.
There are 2 injunctions not to judge. One is Christian and the other is a part of political correctness. They are different from each other.
"Minding your own business" might apply to the Christian view. I'm not sure. A Christian might address that point.
I don't think it applies to the view of PC.

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 Message 63 by mitchellmckain, posted 08-18-2006 2:21 PM mitchellmckain has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 93 of 121 (341656)
08-20-2006 2:05 AM
Reply to: Message 91 by Discreet Label
08-20-2006 1:53 AM

Its like saying, oops I feel sorry for their situation, now to move onto something else.
Everybody does this. Didn't you know?

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 Message 91 by Discreet Label, posted 08-20-2006 1:53 AM Discreet Label has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 94 by Discreet Label, posted 08-20-2006 2:14 AM robinrohan has replied

Inactive Member

Message 95 of 121 (341661)
08-20-2006 2:16 AM
Reply to: Message 94 by Discreet Label
08-20-2006 2:14 AM

Herd mentality.
No, it's called living one's life, you self-righteous prig.

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 Message 94 by Discreet Label, posted 08-20-2006 2:14 AM Discreet Label has replied

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 Message 96 by Faith, posted 08-20-2006 2:23 AM robinrohan has replied
 Message 97 by Discreet Label, posted 08-20-2006 2:25 AM robinrohan has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 98 of 121 (341665)
08-20-2006 2:26 AM
Reply to: Message 96 by Faith
08-20-2006 2:23 AM

Oops, even the most even-tempered of them all, Sir Robin of Rohan, loses his temper sometimes. Alas. Well, welcome to the hell invented by PC.
Well, I mean really. Do you read what this person was accusing me of because I felt sorry for some Vets at the VA hospital?

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 Message 96 by Faith, posted 08-20-2006 2:23 AM Faith has replied

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 Message 102 by Faith, posted 08-20-2006 2:39 AM robinrohan has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 99 of 121 (341666)
08-20-2006 2:28 AM
Reply to: Message 91 by Discreet Label
08-20-2006 1:53 AM

I see emotional voyearism
This comment is despicable.

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 Message 91 by Discreet Label, posted 08-20-2006 1:53 AM Discreet Label has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 100 by Discreet Label, posted 08-20-2006 2:34 AM robinrohan has not replied
 Message 103 by ReverendDG, posted 08-20-2006 2:40 AM robinrohan has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 105 of 121 (341673)
08-20-2006 2:42 AM
Reply to: Message 101 by ReverendDG
08-20-2006 2:36 AM

i don't think he is saying what you are claiming, imo from his post he sees the fact that a person who feels empathy for a lost limb is not really very useful or meaningful to the person they have empathy for
No, I'm neither useful nor meaningful. What's your point?
I never said I was. I was talking about my feelings. I was talking about the fact that life does not always consist of baby birds and flowers.

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 Message 101 by ReverendDG, posted 08-20-2006 2:36 AM ReverendDG has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 110 by Discreet Label, posted 08-20-2006 2:53 AM robinrohan has not replied
 Message 114 by ReverendDG, posted 08-20-2006 3:00 AM robinrohan has replied

Inactive Member

Message 112 of 121 (341684)
08-20-2006 2:58 AM
Reply to: Message 109 by Discreet Label
08-20-2006 2:50 AM

Admittedly I am not immune to being incivil, but I am willing to reexamine what I've put down. And to consider the appropriateness.
The problem is, you don't seem to have any basic knowledge about life.
You are claiming that because I did not do anything about the people I felt sorry for, that I am engaging in some despicable act because I felt sorry for them. Goodness gracious--turn on the news. I feel sorry for people every day that have some horrible thing happen to them. Am I supposed to do something about all those people?
You also seem to be claiming that feeling sorry for them is a despicable act in itself, an idea which I think is warped.

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 Message 109 by Discreet Label, posted 08-20-2006 2:50 AM Discreet Label has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 116 by Discreet Label, posted 08-20-2006 3:13 AM robinrohan has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 115 of 121 (341690)
08-20-2006 3:05 AM
Reply to: Message 114 by ReverendDG
08-20-2006 3:00 AM

I should have said the emotion is not very useful or meaningful not the person, the person can do more than pity the disabled, talk to the person for instance, who ever said it was always full of baby birds and flowers?
I was responding to Jar's nonsense.
the people who posted about how happy in the world they are focused on the happy things in life, you from your posts, did not, that seems to be the difference
That's right. I was trying to balance the idea. I was trying to present a realistic picture of life.
You got a problem with that?

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 Message 114 by ReverendDG, posted 08-20-2006 3:00 AM ReverendDG has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 117 by ReverendDG, posted 08-20-2006 3:19 AM robinrohan has not replied
 Message 118 by jar, posted 08-20-2006 12:19 PM robinrohan has replied

Inactive Member

Message 119 of 121 (341744)
08-20-2006 2:05 PM
Reply to: Message 118 by jar
08-20-2006 12:19 PM

Re: On adding a touch of reality.
And exactly which jars nonsense was that?
All those pictures of birds and flowers that you stuck up there.
We were talking about that other thread in which I mentioned the old veterans I saw at the hospital. Everybody jumped all over me for my feelings which were politically incorrect.
I was using that example to illustrate the engrained nature of this politically correct morality which tries to dictate people's feelings. We're supposed to go around having nice, politically correct feelings all the time.
What a pretense!

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 Message 118 by jar, posted 08-20-2006 12:19 PM jar has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 120 by jar, posted 08-20-2006 2:16 PM robinrohan has not replied

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